Online and Free Weekly Lesson Plan Maker

Weekly lesson plans provide a structured framework that outlines the topics, activities, and objectives for each day's instruction. This structure helps maintain a sense of organization and consistency in teaching.

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Meet your weekly lesson plan needs in CapCut

Create integrated curriculum plans

Leverage CapCut's versatility to craft integrated curriculum plans that seamlessly blend multiple subjects. Utilize CapCut's user-friendly platform to design plans that highlight cross-disciplinary connections, showcasing how subjects converge within a central theme. Incorporate CapCut's templates, fonts, and design elements to visually represent the interwoven nature of the curriculum. With CapCut, create integrated curriculum plans that engage students with holistic learning experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of interconnected knowledge across diverse subjects.

Create integrated curriculum plans

Create differentiated instruction plans

Harness CapCut's creative prowess to develop differentiated instruction plans that cater to diverse student needs. Utilize CapCut's user-friendly interface to design plans incorporating various teaching strategies, activities, and assessments. Employ customizable templates, fonts, and design elements to visually communicate the tailored approach of differentiated instruction. With CapCut's support, craft instruction plans that address varying learning styles and abilities, ensuring a meaningful and inclusive educational experience for all students.

Create differentiated instruction plans

Create hands-on and experiential plans

With CapCut, craft hands-on and experiential plans that immerse students in interactive learning. Utilize CapCut's intuitive platform to design plans enriched with tactile activities, experiments, and real-world applications. Incorporate CapCut's customizable templates, fonts, and design elements to visually convey the dynamic nature of hands-on learning. Empower students to engage actively and explore concepts through CapCut-designed plans that bring education to life, fostering a deeper understanding of practical knowledge.

Create hands-on and experiential plans

Benefits of making weekly lesson plans

Effective time management

Effective time management

By breaking down the curriculum into manageable units, a weekly plan helps allocate sufficient time for each subject or topic, ensuring that all content is covered adequately.

Professional growth

Professional growth

Consistently creating lesson plans encourages reflective teaching practices, allowing you to refine your strategies, adapt to student needs, and enhance your teaching skills over time.

alignment with curriculum

Alignment with curriculum

Lesson plans ensure that your teaching aligns with curriculum standards and learning outcomes, helping students meet academic requirements.

Learn how to make a weekly lesson plan in 3 steps


Log in and select a template

Log in to your CapCut account or sign up if you don't have one. Once you're in the dashboard, search for "lesson plan" in the search bar. Choose a weekly lesson plan template that suits your teaching style and subject.

Log in and select a template

Customize the template

Once you've selected a template, you'll be taken to the CapCut editor. Customize the template by adding your class name, week's dates, and any relevant information. You can also edit headings and sections to match your teaching objectives.

Customize the template

Customize and download

Add details like lesson descriptions, materials needed, and any homework assignments or assessments. Use CapCut's design tools to enhance the visual appeal of your lesson plan. Once you're satisfied with the design, click the "Download" button at the top-right corner and choose your preferred format .

Customize and download

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a lesson plan for a week?

To create a weekly lesson plan, outline the learning objectives, divide the week into days, assign topics or subjects to each day, design activities and assessments, and ensure alignment with curriculum standards. Consider students' learning needs and incorporate diverse teaching strategies.

What is the app that creates lesson plans?

An app that facilitates lesson planning is CapCut. It streamlines the process with customizable templates, collaborative features, curriculum alignment, and user-friendly drag-and-drop functionality.

How do I make a weekly plan for my teacher?

To create a weekly lesson plan for a teacher, collaborate on learning goals and topics, allocate time for subjects, detail activities and resources, ensure alignment with curriculum expectations, and present the plan in a clear and organized format for the teacher's reference.

Which is an online weekly lesson plan creator? is an online platform that offers tools to generate and manage weekly lesson plans. It supports standards alignment, collaboration, and integration with educational platforms to enhance lesson planning efficiency.

How to make a good weekly lesson plan?

Creating an effective weekly lesson plan involves setting clear learning objectives, sequencing topics logically, incorporating diverse teaching methods, considering student engagement and differentiation, integrating assessments, and allowing room for flexibility and improvement based on reflection and feedback.

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Create a weekly lesson plan online!

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