Online kompresor fotografií JPEG - CapCut Online editor fotografií

Pokud jste tvůrce obsahu nebo máte jen oko pro estetiku, pravděpodobně zjistíte, že fotíte všechno. Nicméně, jak shromažďujeme tisíce fotografií, úložný prostor na našich zařízeních může rychle vyčerpat.
Takže v tomto článku vám ukážeme, jak rychle používat tři vynikající kompresory JPEG!

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CapCut provides you with many options to meet your needs, including compressing image files efficiently. Think of it as your one-stop for all photo compression, conversion, and editing needs. And given that you can access it easily online from any device, it's one of the most convenient tools you'd ever need.

Below, you'll learn how to use CapCut's online JPEG photo compressor to reduce the size of all your photos to something smaller and easier to store and share over the web. No more do you have to struggle over deleting any of your wonderful photos. With CapCut's photo compressor, you can have it all without losing any quality in any of them! However, it's important to find the right balance between reducing file size and maintaining image quality, and we'll show you how below.

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Online JPEG compressor for PCs - CapCut

We can not possibly discuss CapCut's image compression capabilities without highlighting its incredibly user-friendly interface. This versatile editing tool provides an effective and accessible solution for users of all levels, whether beginners or experienced editors.

Getting the file size and image quality you want on CapCut requires just four simple steps.

  1. Register to use CapCut online for free
  2. First, visit the CapCut website and create a free account. You have the option to sign up using your mail. Faster access is to complete your registration using any of your Google, TikTok, or Facebook accounts.
  3. If you've also got your CapCut mobile, you can sign in quickly by scanning the QR code. With that out of the way, it's time to access your editor.
  4. *No credit card need
  5. Step
  6. Upload your photo into CapCut
  7. After accessing the dashboard, click "create new image," and on the editor's screen, import your photo. This can come from your local computer, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
  8. Besides, if you've got it already stored on your CapCut drive, you can import it from your CapCut space too. Now, you're almost there.
  10. Step
  11. Customize your photos for free using CapCut
  12. This is the best part you didn't ask for, but it is available to you for free. You know so well your photo doesn't have to be in any way boring. From the moment your photo is done uploading, the CapCut editor's page loads up the toolbar for you to use to customize your photos.
  14. There are a whole load of options for you, from choosing between filters, adding effects, and removing background, which you’d need if you’d love to replace your background or subsequently use your foreground in other designs. While your reasons for removing background may span quite a few, CapCut makes it super easy. All you’d need to do is select your photo and click on “remove background” to the right of your screen on the toolbar.
  15. There are also more options to refine the edges after removing the background, and in all, there's basically nothing you'd want to do with a photo that's absent from the CapCut's toolbar. It gets more interesting with the AI helper that can help you raise your photo resolutions, among other things. In all, customizing your photo with CapCut is a lot easier, and you can do this in only seconds such that the whole process doesn't waste your time in any way. Once you're satisfied with your photo, it's time for the final step, where you complete your compression.
  16. Step
  17. Export your compressed photos

Click on "export," and this opens up the export settings where you can pick any format you'd want your exported file. More importantly, you can pick any of the sizes. There's an option to increase your photo dimensions to as high as 4x the original without blurring or losing quality. Lastly, you can also set the quality from high to low, depending on what size you want your final export to be.

In all, you'd be surprised even the low quality is of such good fidelity that it would still be perfect for sharing and for more efficient storage. Done selecting your preference? Go ahead, then download your compressed photo in only seconds. And with that, you've successfully used the CapCut's JPEG photo compressor for free!

Try CapCut as your image format converter

In addition, there’s so much more you can do with your compressed photo. For one, given what you need to do with your photo, you might want to also convert between formats. If there’s a high chance you would be back to edit your image multiple times, converting a copy of your photo to PNG might be advisable, and if you’re sending your photo for prints, then you also want to consider converting your compressed photo to PDF.

To do this, you can also use the free CapCut online photo converter.

  • In very simple steps, all you need is to upload your compressed photo as described above, go to the export settings, and choose the format you’d love to convert your JPEG to.
  • Besides, CapCut also accepts different formats in case you’d love to convert to JPEG for smaller sizes and better sharing options.

As discussed earlier, you can enhance the resolution of your photos using AI smart tools, which can also be found easily on the toolbar. These, and many other features, are available for you to use in enhancing your photo until you have the perfect compressed photo.

JPEG picture compressor for WIN - Paint

Windows Paint is yet another photo software included with Windows. Interestingly, it is a drawing app, not a photo viewer. It does, however, have some abilities, as do most other superpowerful picture editors. Paint includes amazing photo editing features, including cropping, scaling, and so on. With a few clicks, you can compress JPEG photos using Windows Paint.

Best features of Windows Paint

Windows Paint is an excellent JPEG photo compressor.

Here's why...

  1. Improved layer functionality
  2. Users can now use extensive layer management tools in the most recent version of Paint. This involves adding additional layers, adjusting their order, merging, duplicating, and other critical functions. These features enable users to create complicated artwork by layering different image elements, allowing for a more advanced approach to digital art creation.
  3. Built-in tool
  4. Paint comes pre-installed on Windows PCs, reducing the need for further software downloads.
  5. Convenience
  6. The interface is simple, making it suitable for people with basic computing skills.
  7. Basic editing options
  8. While Paint can be used for compression, it also has rudimentary editing features that allow users to crop and resize photos as needed.
  9. Seamless image transparency support

One of the significant updates in Paint includes seamless support for image transparency. Users can now work with transparent PNG files, both opening and saving them, without backgrounds. This feature is complemented by the introduction of a background removal tool in a recent Paint update.

How to use Paint to compress JPEG on WIN

  1. Select your file
  2. Begin by launching Paint – you can find it by searching for "paint" in the Windows 8 or newer versions' start screen or the Windows 7 Start menu. Then, open an image by clicking on "file" and selecting "open."
  3. Note that in Windows 7, the file menu is represented by a menu icon, not the word "file."
  4. Step
  5. Compress your image
  6. Click on "resize" from the "home" tab to reduce the entire image's resolution by adjusting its dimensions. You can opt for specific dimensions in pixels or enter a percentage. It's advisable to keep "maintain aspect ratio" enabled to prevent image distortion. Enter either the width or height and Paint will calculate the other dimension automatically. Click "OK" to apply the changes.
  7. Step
  8. Save to your device

Go to the "file" menu, hover over "save as," and select "JPEG picture" to save the image without replacing the original file. JPEG images are considerably smaller-sized formats, making them ideal for online use.

Compress JPEG files for MAC - Preview

For Mac users who need to compress JPEG files, the default tool, Preview, provides a comprehensive solution. With an easy-to-use layout and robust functionality, it's a solid choice for both individuals and professionals.

Best features of Preview

  1. Batch compression
  2. Preview allows users to compress several JPEG files at the same time, saving time when working with large quantities of photos.
  3. Preview function
  4. Users can preview the compressed image before concluding the compression to ensure it satisfies their quality expectations.
  5. Lossless compression

Preview compresses JPEG files without sacrificing visual quality, guaranteeing that the compressed images look virtually identical to the originals.

  1. How to use Preview to compress JPEGs
  2. Step
  3. Open the file in the Preview
  4. Launch the Preview, if a pop-up window does not appear, click file to open your image. And choose the image to be compressed.
  5. Step
  6. Compress and save

Then select tools and adjust size from the menu. By pixel, change the width and height. In the resulting size section, you'll see an approximation of the new size. Once you have finished, select OK to save your work.


In a nutshell, selecting the best JPEG photo compressor is critical for anyone working with huge image files, whether for commercial or personal projects.

CapCut's user-friendly interface and various template options make compression easier while maintaining quality. Its user-friendly design, combined with capabilities such as effects, filters, and AI smart tools, make it a versatile alternative for those looking for an all-in-one multimedia solution.

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