Master Color Grading in CapCut: A Comprehensive Guide for Stunning Videos

Unlock the full potential of your videos with CapCut's color grading tools. Learn how to achieve professional, cinematic looks with our step-by-step guide.

color grading CapCut
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Color grading is the art of enhancing and correcting the colors of a video to achieve a desired visual style or mood. It goes beyond simply adjusting brightness and contrast; it involves fine-tuning colors, shadows, highlights, and overall color balance to create a cohesive and captivating look. Various editors, like CapCut desktop video editor, offer this tool, which helps you transform ordinary footage into stunning masterpieces.

This guide will explore how to use CapCut's color grading tools to achieve a professional-level cinematic look, enhancing the quality and impact of your videos.

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Everything you need to know about color grading in CapCut

CapCut desktop video editor is a renowned tool known for its advanced audio and video editing capabilities that enhance your projects. One of the standout features is its color grading functionality, which offers both basic and advanced customisation. These tools help you achieve unique visual effects, enhancing the overall quality and appeal of your videos.

Editing interface of the CapCut desktop video editor

Benefits of CapCut's color grading

Here are some benefits of using color grading in CapCut.

  • Enhanced visual appeal
  • Create stunning and professional-looking videos with vibrant and balanced colors.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Easy-to-use tools make color grading accessible even for beginners.
  • Creative flexibility
  • A wide range of adjustments and filters allow for personalized and unique color grading styles.
  • Improved storytelling
  • Enhance the mood and atmosphere of your videos, making your content more engaging and impactful.
  • Professional quality
  • Achieve cinematic looks and high-quality visual effects comparable to industry standards.
  • Time efficiency
  • Quick and intuitive tools help streamline the color grading process, saving time for content creators.

Essential color grading tools in CapCut for cinematic looks

Achieving professional-grade cinematic visuals in your videos requires mastery of CapCut's essential color-grading tools. By understanding how to harness these features effectively, you can elevate the visual impact of your projects to new heights.

Basic adjustments

To achieve cinematic looks in CapCut, mastering its essential color grading tools is key. Begin with basic adjustments such as exposure, contrast, and saturation.

  • Brightness

Brightness adjustment lets you control the overall lightness or darkness of your video. By tweaking the brightness, you can ensure your footage is well-lit and visually appealing without losing important details.

  • Contrast

Use the contrast tool to sharpen the differences between light and dark areas. Higher contrast can add drama, while lower contrast creates a softer look, helping you make your video look more dynamic and striking.

  • Saturation

Saturation adjusts the intensity of colors in your video. Enhancing saturation makes the colors more vibrant and lively while decreasing it can create a more subdued, classic look.

  • Exposure

Exposure adjustment affects the amount of light in your video. Proper exposure ensures your footage is neither too bright nor too dark, maintaining a natural and clear appearance.

  • Temperature

Adjust the temperature to give your video a warmer (orange) or cooler (blue) tone. This tweak can set just the right atmosphere, letting you match the mood or time of day you want to convey.

  • Tint

Tint adjustment fine-tunes the color balance by adding a green or magenta hue. This tool is useful for correcting color casts and achieving the perfect color balance for a professional and polished look.

Utilizing basic adjustment tools to achieve cinematic color grading in the CapCut desktop video editor

Effects adjustments

Next, explore effects adjustments like highlights or shadows to enhance texture and mood.

  • Highlights

The Highlights tool helps you manage the brightest parts of your video. By adjusting this, you can add depth and dimension, ensuring the bright areas are clear and well-defined without being overly harsh.

  • Shadows

Shadow adjustment is key for handling the darker areas in your footage. Adjusting shadows can reveal hidden details and add a dramatic touch, creating a balanced contrast that enriches your video's visual appeal.

  • Vibrance

Vibrance enhances the intensity of muted colors without over-saturating the already vibrant tones. This tool helps maintain a natural look while making the colors in your video stand out and appear more vivid.

  • Sharpening

The Sharpening tool enhances the clarity of your video by emphasizing edges and fine details. Proper use of sharpening can make your footage look crisper and more defined, contributing to a professional, high-quality finish.

Utilizing effects adjustment tools to achieve cinematic color grading in the CapCut desktop video editor

Advanced adjustments

Finally, using the following tools, you can easily create CapCut color grading templates in the presets.

  • Color wheels

Color wheels offer precise control over the hues in your video. By adjusting the shadows, midtones, and highlights separately, you can get a balanced and appealing color scheme that enhances the overall mood of your footage.

  • Curves

The Curves tool allows for detailed adjustments to the brightness and contrast of your video. By manipulating the curve graph, you can fine-tune the luminance levels, creating richer shadows, brighter highlights, and a more dynamic range of tones.

  • HSL adjustments

HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness) adjustments provide targeted control over specific colors in your video. This tool lets you refine individual color ranges, making it easy to perfect the look of your footage by enhancing or muting certain hues.

  • Color filters

Color filters can instantly change the overall color tone of your video. By applying these filters, you can achieve various cinematic looks, from vintage sepia tones to modern, cool blue hues, helping to set the desired atmosphere for your project.

Utilizing advanced adjustment tools to achieve cinematic color grading in the CapCut desktop video editor

A step-by-step guide to color grading in CapCut

To do color grading in CapCut, open this software and follow the steps below. If you don't have a CapCut desktop video editor, download it by clicking the button below and run the installer. Once installation is done, create an account using your Facebook, TikTok, or Google credentials.

  1. Upload your video
  2. Enter the CapCut editing interface by selecting a new project. Click "Import" to upload a video from your device.
     Importing video for cinematic color grading in CapCut desktop video editor
  4. Step
  5. Add filters and adjust color
  6. Navigate to the "Filter" option in the left tool panel to enhance your video's atmosphere with a variety of video filters (optional). Adjust the filter strength to achieve the desired effect.
  7. For manual color adjustments, head to the "Adjustment" tab in the right editing panel. Here, you can fine-tune your video's effects, color balance, and brightness under the Basic settings.
  8. Utilize the HSL adjustments to control brightness, hue, and saturation. The color wheel allows you to create a distinct color palette for your brand. Lastly, refine your video's color using the curve tool for precise adjustments. You can also adjust lighting using the "Relight" tool and remove flickers from the video.
    Adjusting the cinematic look using the color grading tool in the CapCut desktop video editor
  10. Step
  11. Export and share

Once you've finished editing, go to the export section. Adjust settings such as video frame rate, quality codec, and bit rate as needed, then save the video to your device. CapCut also allows direct sharing to platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

Exporting the video from the CapCut desktop video editor

5 tips for cinematic color grading using CapCut

Color grading can truly enhance your videos, giving them that cinematic quality we all enjoy. However, achieving this aesthetic requires specific techniques. Here are five tips to help you use CapCut like a pro, turning your videos into compelling cinematic experiences:

  • Adjust basic settings first

Start with CapCut’s basic adjustment tools to set brightness, contrast, and saturation. This helps establish a balanced base for further color grading.

  • Utilize pre-set filters and LUTs

Explore CapCut’s pre-set filters and import LUTs to apply cinematic styles quickly. This saves time and gives a consistent look across your footage.

  • Fine-tune with color wheels

Use the color wheels in CapCut to precisely adjust shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. This allows you to create more depth and drama in your visuals.

  • Enhance specific colors with HSL adjustments

Modify the hue, saturation, and luminance of individual colors to make specific elements stand out or to achieve a particular mood. This is especially useful for enhancing skin tones or accentuating key colors.

  • Apply a subtle vignette effect

Add a vignette to your video to draw attention to the center of the frame and give your footage a more polished, professional look. Keep the vignette subtle to avoid overpowering the scene. In addition, adding music to the video can complement the mood of the visuals.


To sum up, color grading in the CapCut desktop video editor is a powerful feature that significantly enhances the visual quality of your videos. This user-friendly tool ensures that your content stands out with vibrant and well-balanced visuals. Whether you're creating for social media, business, or personal projects, CapCut’s color grading tools are a valuable asset in your video editing toolkit.


  1. How do I achieve cinematic color grading in CapCut?
  2. To achieve CapCut's cinematic color grading, use tools like color wheels, curves, and HSL adjustments to fine-tune colors, shadows, highlights, and overall color balance. This will help you achieve an appealing and professional cinematic look in your videos.
  3. What are the best practices for color grading in CapCut?
  4. The best practices for color grading in CapCut include starting with basic adjustments, using pre-set filters and LUTs for quick styles, and refining colors with precise tools like color wheels and HSL adjustments. Consistency in color grading across your footage and maintaining a balanced color palette are also key to achieving polished results in CapCut.
  5. How can I use CapCut for color grading to create a cinematic look?
  6. To color-grade a cinematic look in CapCut, start by uploading your video and adjusting basic settings to establish the desired tone. Then, explore CapCut’s selection of filters and HSL enhance style quickly. Then, make adjustments using tools like color wheels and curves to enhance depth and mood. These features enable users to achieve cinematic aesthetics that captivate viewers.
  7. What tools does CapCut offer for cinematic color grading?
  8. CapCut provides essential tools for cinematic color grading, including precise color wheels for detailed adjustments, curves for controlling brightness and contrast, and HSL adjustments to fine-tune individual colors. These tools empower users to transform ordinary footage into cinematic footage directly within the CapCut desktop video editor.
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