Everything You Need to Know about Color Wheel for Illustrator

Effectively create and explore color wheel for Illustrator. Find out how it can help you make visually stunning and cohesive designs. Alternatively, use CapCut to add dynamic color schemes to the video.

color wheel for illustrator
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Creating visually appealing designs in Illustrator often hinges on selecting the right color combinations. The ultimate color wheel is an essential tool for designers, offering a simple yet powerful way to explore and apply color harmonies effectively. By understanding and utilizing the color wheel, you can create color schemes, explore complementary tones, and bring your creative visions to life with greater precision.

In this guide, we will explore how to create a color wheel for Illustrator to optimize your designs.

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Understanding the basics of the color wheel in Illustrator

In Illustrator, the color wheel is a visual tool that organizes colors based on their chromatic relationships. It helps designers quickly identify complementary, analogous, and contrasting color combinations, making it easier to create balanced and visually appealing designs.

Here are some of the key color concepts within the Adobe Illustrator color wheel:

  • Primary colors in Illustrator
  • Primary colors—red, blue, and yellow—are the foundation of all other colors on the color wheel. In Illustrator, these colors are used as the base for mixing and creating a broad spectrum of hues, allowing designers to start from scratch when crafting custom palettes.
  • Secondary and tertiary colors
  • When we combine two primary colors, they produce secondary colors like orange, purple, and green. Tertiary colors arise when a primary color is mixed with a neighboring secondary color, offering more nuanced hues like red-orange or blue-green, expanding your design possibilities.
  • Complementary and analogous colors
  • Complementary colors are positioned directly opposite to one another on the color wheel, such as blue and orange, and create high contrast when used together. Analogous colors on the wheel are next to each other, like blue, blue-green, and green, providing a more harmonious and cohesive look in your designs.

Advanced techniques with Illustrator's color wheel

To enhance your design process with Adobe Illustrator's color wheel, it's essential to understand how these techniques can enhance your design process. Let’s explore some of these advanced features that can help you achieve professional results.

  • Creating color harmonies
  • Creating color harmonies with the color wheel in Adobe Illustrator involves selecting colors that naturally complement each other, ensuring a visually pleasing balance in your designs. You can establish a consistent and cohesive look by exploring analogous, complementary, or triadic color schemes. The process enhances the aesthetic appeal and strengthens the overall impact of your artwork, making it more compelling to the viewer.
  • Using the color guide panel
  • The color guide panel in Illustrator is a powerful tool that helps you explore various shades, tints, and harmonies based on your chosen base color. It simplifies the process of generating a comprehensive palette, ensuring that your design maintains a consistent and professional look. By experimenting with different color variations, you can achieve subtle yet impactful shifts in your artwork, enhancing its depth and visual interest.
  • Applying the color wheel for color schemes
  • When applying the color wheel for color schemes in Illustrator, you can effectively mix and match colors to create dynamic and visually striking designs. The color wheel helps you experiment with different combinations, such as split-complementary or tetradic schemes, allowing you to push creative boundaries. This method enables you to create bold contrasts or smooth transitions, depending on the mood and message you want to convey.
  • Assign colors to your artwork
  • Assigning colors to your artwork in Illustrator involves strategically selecting hues that align with your design’s intent and message. By utilizing the color wheel and related tools, you can ensure that each element of your artwork is thoughtfully colored, contributing to the overall harmony and effectiveness of the piece. This technique allows for precise control over the visual narrative, making your designs not only aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally resonant.

When it comes to expanding the color options in Adobe Illustrator, various plugins can take your design work to the next level. Here’s a quick overview of some of the most popular ones:

  1. Astute graphics' color control
  2. This plugin is a powerhouse for precision color control, offering advanced tools for creating and adjusting gradients and color schemes. It allows designers to fine-tune colors directly within the Illustrator environment, making it easier to maintain consistency across projects.
  3. Coolorus
  4. Known for its user-friendly interface, Coolorus brings a versatile color wheel to Illustrator inspired by traditional artists' color wheels. It supports various color modes and provides intuitive controls for mixing and matching hues, making it a favorite among creatives looking to enhance their color palette choices.
  5. ColorKit by Markzware
  6. ColorKit is all about simplifying color management within Illustrator. It provides features that enable you to create, adjust, and apply color schemes effortlessly. This plugin is particularly useful for designers who need to ensure color accuracy and consistency across different outputs, from print to digital media.

How to create a color wheel in Illustrator

Follow the steps below to create a color wheel on Adobe Illustrator:

  1. Set up the polar grid tool
  2. Begin by selecting the "Polar Grid Tool" in Adobe Illustrator. Click on the "Canvas" to open the settings window. Adjust the width and height to 600 pixels each, and set the concentric dividers to 0 and radial dividers to 12 to match the 12 different colors for your wheel. This creates the base structure of your color wheel.
    Adjusting the polar grid tool setting to create a color wheel in Illustrator
  4. Adjust and scale the grid
  5. After placing the grid on your canvas, use the "Move Tool" to center it. Then, double-click on the grid, select one of the lines and scale it outward while holding the "Shift" and "Alt" keys. This ensures the grid fits within the boundaries of your color wheel.
    Adjusting and scaling the grid to properly fit with the boundaries of Adobe Illustrator color wheel
  7. Divide and ungroup the grid
  8. Switch from "Stroke" to "Fill" by clicking on the tiny arrow in the toolbar. Open the "Pathfinder" panel and click on the "Divide" icon to separate the grid into individual sections. Afterward, right-click on the grid and select "Ungroup." It will allow you to manipulate each slice of the circle independently.
    Separating the grid into individual sections to use different colors individually on the color wheel
  10. Apply colors to each slice
  11. Select a slice of the circle using the "Move Tool," then use the "Eyedropper Tool" to fill it with your chosen color from the color palette. Repeat this process for each grid section until the entire circle is colored. This step assigns distinct colors to your color wheel.
    Applying different colors to the color wheel in Adobe Illustrator
  13. Finalize the color wheel
  14. To complete the color wheel, group the slices together by right-clicking and selecting "Group." Then, use the "Ellipse Tool" to create a perfect circle, aligning it with the color wheel. Finally, use the "Shape Builder Tool" to remove the unwanted inner slices by holding "Alt" and clicking on them. Your color wheel is now ready.
    Removing the unwanted inner slices to finalize the color wheel for illustrator

Avoiding common color mistakes in Illustrator

When working in Illustrator, it's easy to make color-related mistakes that can affect the overall quality of your design. To help you avoid these pitfalls, here are five essential tips:

  1. Understanding color modes
  2. Always choose the correct color mode, like CMYK for print and RGB for digital, to ensure your colors appear accurately in the final output. Switching modes midway can cause unexpected color shifts.
  3. Avoiding over-saturation
  4. While vibrant colors can make your design pop, over-saturating can lead to harsh and unappealing visuals. Aim for a balanced color palette that enhances rather than overwhelms your design.
  5. Using global colors
  6. Global colors allow you to change color throughout your design with a single adjustment. This feature saves time and ensures consistency, especially in complex projects.
  7. Considering color contrast
  8. Make sure there is sufficient contrast between text and background colors for readability. Poor contrast can make your design difficult to read, particularly for those with visual impairments.
  9. Checking for color blindness
  10. Use Illustrator’s built-in tools to check how your design appears to people with color blindness. This step ensures your design is accessible and visually effective for a broader audience.

Pro tip: Use CapCut's color wheel for dynamic video color schemes

CapCut desktop video editor is a powerful tool designed for both beginners and professionals, offering advanced features to enhance video projects. Among its many tools, the color wheel stands out as a key feature for crafting dynamic and engaging video color schemes. This intuitive tool allows users to fine-tune colors, ensuring that every hue in your video complements the overall aesthetic.

Interface of the CapCut desktop video editor - the best tool to add dynamic color schemes to video

Key features

  • Different color wheel options
  • Offers various color wheel options to easily select and adjust hues for precise and dynamic color schemes, enhancing the visual impact of your videos.
  • Intensity control settings
  • Enables users to fine-tune the intensity of colors, providing greater control over the tone and mood of the visuals, resulting in more professional video production.
  • Simplified color matching
  • Makes it simple to match colors across different scenes, ensuring a cohesive look throughout the video, which improves overall consistency and professional appearance.
  • Automatic color correction
  • Automatically correct colors for balanced and natural-looking visuals when editing films. This ensures your videos maintain a high-quality standard without manual effort.

How to employ color wheels in CapCut

Download the CapCut desktop video editor for free by clicking the button below. Once installed, sign in with your Facebook, Google, or TikTok account to begin.

  1. Upload your media
  2. Open CapCut and start a new project from the main interface. Click "Import" to upload your video file from your device.
    Uploading the media to employ color wheels in the Capcut desktop video editor
  4. Step
  5. Enhance your video colors
  6. After uploading your video, place it into the timeline. Next, go to the "Adjustment" panel on the right and click on the "Color wheel" tab. This tool lets you fine-tune the color balance by adjusting the shadows, middle grey, tint, and offsets using wheels. By manipulating these settings, you can create vibrant and dynamic color schemes that elevate the overall aesthetic of your video.
    Using the color wheels to achieve the perfect color scheme for video in the CapCut desktop video editor
  8. Step
  9. Export and save

Once you've adjusted the colors for your video, head to the "Export" option. Here, you can fine-tune settings such as resolution, codec, bitrate, and video frame rate before clicking "Export." Additionally, you can share your video directly on TikTok or YouTube.

Exporting the video after employing color wheels in the CapCut desktop video editor


In conclusion, optimizing your designs with a color wheel in Illustrator can greatly enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your work. By understanding how to select, adjust, and harmonize colors, you can elevate your work to new levels of creativity and professionalism.

For those eager to extend these skills into video editing, the CapCut desktop video editor provides a robust color wheel tool along with many other advanced features. CapCut makes it easy to apply your color knowledge to video projects, helping you achieve professional and visually stunning results.


  1. How do I turn on the color picker in Illustrator?
  2. To turn on the color picker in Illustrator, simply select the object or text you want to color. Then, double-click the fill or stroke color box in the toolbar to open the color picker. This allows you to choose and customize your desired color. For advanced color control and dynamic video color schemes, explore the CapCut desktop video editor, which provides powerful color wheel features.
  3. How do I enable a color guide in Illustrator?
  4. To enable the color guide in Illustrator, go to "Window" and select "Color Guide." This will open a panel that provides color harmony options and suggestions, helping you create balanced and aesthetically pleasing color schemes. If you want to apply color schemes to video, the CapCut desktop video editor provides intuitive color tools, making it easy to achieve professional results.
  5. How do I open the color palette in Illustrator?
  6. To open the color palette in Illustrator, head to the "Window" menu and choose "Swatches." This opens the palette, giving you access to a variety of saved colors and gradients. It’s essential for managing and applying colors efficiently in your projects. However, for extending your design capabilities to video editing, the CapCut desktop video editor offers a robust color wheel and other features designed to enhance your creative workflow.
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