The Pro's Guide to Complementary Color Scheme

Ready-to-use complementary color schemes and multiple templates with appealing colors are waiting at CapCut Online. Explore this magical editor immediately!

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complementary color scheme
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Nowadays, the complementary color scheme is more frequently used in graphic design due to its attractiveness. However, it is important to understand how to create complementary color harmony to make your color combinations look balanced.

This article is here to help you discover the magic of complementary colors and suggest a tool to transform your designs with these complementary color palettes. Read below to learn these wonderful tips.

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Knowledge of complementary colors for brilliant color schemes

Complementary tones are two colors that, when mixed, will create neutral tones such as white, gray, black, or achromatic color. On the color wheel, you will see these colors in opposite positions compared to each other.

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Let's dive into some examples of complementary color schemes to help you get an overall understanding of this kind of color combo:

  • Red and green

You can easily see this complementary color scheme in the iconic colors of Christmas, such as the green leaves of the Christmas tree and red decorations. With appropriate combinations, this color palette will easily attract viewers' attention.

Red and green complementary color combo
  • Orange and blue

Another common complementary combo is orange and blue. For example, when you see the brand image of Fanta, the designs are mainly orange, with blue as the secondary color scheme.

Orange and blue complementary color combo
  • Purple and yellow

This is an appealing complementary combo. Many fashion shows use this scheme to achieve a trendy and attractive effect.

Purple and yellow complementary color combo

Do you want to power your designs with these amazing color schemes? If yes, welcome to the CapCut online complementary color scheme generator. Level up your designs with unlimited color split complementary colors at this magical editor for free.

CapCut - a magical experience with a complementary color scheme

CapCut Online is well-known for its versatility in generating color combinations with split complementary color schemes. There are diverse features in this all-in-one editor to support you in transforming your designs with complementary tones:

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  • Colors

If you want a tool with ready-to-use complementary color palettes, let CapCut Online lend you a hand. Multiple complementary color combinations are available for you to choose what you prefer most. For example, you can choose a red and green color combination to recolor your New Year's greeting cards easily.

Color combinations
  • Templates

Not only providing users with ready-to-use complementary color combos, CapCut Online offers users a diverse range of templates with well-designed complementary colors. For example, you can easily find a YouTube thumbnail with a red-green complementary color combination from the CapCut template collections. There are many YouTube thumbnail templates with the standard size (1280 x 720 px) for you to pick.

  • Themes

There are also well-matched themes with complementary colors and fonts to transform your designs easily. All colors are designed to fit with text fonts. For example, at the beginning of the year, it is recommended to choose a colorful theme with a red-green color combination with bold text fonts like Praho-Bold to design your vibrant and lively cards.

Themes with complementary colors and fonts
  • Optimize colors

The smart match tool is available to help you optimize the color combinations in your designs perfectly. Enjoy a one-click solution to get a perfect complementary color combo to match the color of your current pictures in your design. If you have a picture with red elements and green leaves for your New Year's post, CapCut Online will automatically generate matching colors for other elements in your design in a flash.

Smart match to optimize color

Step-by-step guide to creating a complementary color scheme in a free way

With CapCut online complementary colors generator, level up your designs with complementary tones in three steps:

  1. Sign up to your CapCut account and get your designs uploaded
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  3. Choose the "Sign up for free" button in the link above to activate your CapCut account. This magical triadic color scheme generator supports diverse account-creating methods, such as connecting with Google, TikTok, or Facebook.
  4. Then, choose "New image" to start your design journey.
    Create new image
  6. After that, select a canvas size to fit different social platform requirements or use scenarios. Or simply enter your desired size for the creation.
    Customize image size
  8. When you come to the CapCut editing interface, select "Upload" to prepare your designs for editing. You can upload your files by dragging or dropping them, transferring your pics from Google Drive or Dropbox, or scanning the QR code to take designs from your photos for editing.
    Upload new design
  10. Step
  11. Select the complementary color and customize
  12. For example, if you want to create a design with the two color combinations - red and green, what you need to do next is to click on "Templates" and enter "red and green" in the search engine. You will get your complementary color templates in a flash.
    “Red and green” templates
  14. Then, select "Design" to choose complementary themes to level up your designs to the next level. One option is to choose "Optimize colors" to automatically match your colors with your pictures.
    Complementary color combinations
  16. Further correct your colors with adjusting features to change levels of "Warmth," "Tint," and "Saturation," or use "AI color correction" to get your perfect complementary color combos.
    Adjusting color levels
  18. There are also diverse editing features, such as multiple frames, stickers, or shapes, to add an extra sprinkle of charm to your designs. All of them are free and ready to use!
    Diverse editing features on CapCut
  20. Step
  21. Export

Choose "Export" to finalize your designs for further use. You can also easily customize exporting options such as file types, size, or quality. If you do not want to save your files, select "Copy as PNG" to use your designs immediately.

Export your design

Things to consider when creating a complementary color scheme

Although complementary colors can create appealing designs, inappropriate combinations can lead to drastic designs. That's why you should pay attention to some points below for a harmonious, complementary color combo:

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1. Pay attention to the brightness and saturation of colors

Brightness and saturation are two important factors that decide your color harmony regarding complementary color palettes. A reasonable combination of brightness and saturation helps users with an attractive design. For example, an adequate mix of color brightness and saturation in web design can help reduce eye fatigue and enhance users' web comfort and experiences. This point is extremely important, especially when your web requires users to surf for a long time, like e-commerce websites.

2. Limit the use of contrasting colors

One thing to note when you use complementary tones for your designs is to control the excessive use of contrasting tones. Take listing pages of trading websites as an example; too much use of contrasting tones may lead to the main color losing its effects. That's why you should limit the use of contrasting colors to ensure that your main tone is given enough attention and space for special things like sales offers or newly launched product recommendations.

Excessive contrasting colors for web design

3. Avoid overly harsh color combinations

The examples of e-commerce web design apply again here. Users of these websites often spend much time browsing and surfing their desired products. Hence, overly harsh color combos such as light yellow-light purple color combination could lead to visual fatigue and trigger user discomfort after long-term use. Balancing your complementary color combinations is an ideal choice for you to get appealing and harmonious designs.

Avoid overly harsh color combinations

4. Proofread using color tools

It is recommended to use a tool to help you check the quality of your colors. In web designs, the colors are very different when we look at different electronic devices. That's why you need to use some color checkers to help you optimize colors. For example, the AI color correction at CapCut Online helps you easily optimize your colors to the best degree.

CapCut Online is the best tool to help you create complementary color palettes and adjust other factors to ensure harmonious color combinations. Come to CapCut Online to enjoy all these magical and free benefits for appealing complementary color designs.


Complementary color schemes with appropriate combinations are appealing for graphic designs. If you are looking for a tool that helps you optimize your complementary color works, choose CapCut Online to accompany you today. With diverse, ready-to-use complementary color combinations and other adjusting tools, this color palette generator will not disappoint you. Come and enjoy the best harmonious experiences with your complementary color designs with CapCut Online.


  1. What is a complementary color scheme?
  2. A complementary color palette is a combination of two opposite colors in the color wheel. These combos give a high contrast and vibrant look when matched together, invoking a sense of balance and visual interest. Common complementary color schemes include red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and purple.
  3. Which is the best complementary colors generator?
  4. CapCut Online is the most versatile complementary color generator with complementary color combos matching text fonts, themes, and cute shapes for your free choice. Moreover, you can also make diverse things such as notebook designs or checklists with free elements like group stickers or diverse frames from CapCut Online for free.
  5. Are there any examples of complementary color schemes?
  6. There are many complementary color combos. Some notable examples could be red-green, blue-orange, or yellow-purple. With CapCut Online, you can easily design your paintings or artwork with complementary color combinations. You can also use other elements to decorate your works, like stickers, AI-oriented tools, or magical filters.
  7. How do we achieve complementary color harmony?
  8. Remember some tips, including controlling the brightness and saturation, limiting the use of contrasting colors, or using a tool with proofread color checking or correcting features. In this way, you can achieve harmony in your complementary color combos. Another solution for you is to come to CapCut Online. Here, CapCut Online has well-designed, harmonious, complementary color combinations and tools to correct your colors easily.
  9. What is the secondary color scheme?
  10. A secondary color palette is a supporting color scheme to your main tone of colors. With CapCut Online, you can pick your primary and secondary color palettes without cost or limit. Ready to level up your design colors with diverse complementary colors with CapCut Online today?
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