How to Add a Subtitle to a YouTube Video? Create Captions in One Click

Learn easy techniques on how to add subtitles to a YouTube video to enhance accessibility and engage a wider audience. Perfect your video presentation with our insightful tips.

How to Add a Subtitle to a YouTube Video? Create Captions in One Click
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As online platforms, especially YouTube, continue to dominate how we consume information, the demand for inclusive and accessible video content has surged. Whether you're a self-media owner, marketer, online tutor, or someone looking to enhance the viewer experience, understanding how to add subtitles to a YouTube video is a valuable skill.

This blog post aims to guide you on how to put subtitles in a YouTube video, providing step-by-step instructions and insights into the importance of subtitles in today's multimedia-driven world.

In addition, we will talk about CapCut video editor to boost engagement and ensure accessibility in your videos by incorporating accurate subtitles and translation.

Table of content

Why do you need to add subtitles to YouTube videos?

Here are some reasons and benefits of getting subtitles for YouTube videos.

  • Improved comprehension

Subtitles improve content comprehension, helping viewers better understand and follow the spoken words, especially in cases of accents, complex terminology, or fast speech.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

Adding subtitles enhances SEO by providing search engines with textual content. This boosts discoverability and ranking, making your videos more likely to appear in search results.

  • Global audience reach

Subtitles help to reach a global audience by overcoming language barriers. Viewers from different linguistic backgrounds can enjoy and understand your content.

  • Viewing in noisy environments

Subtitles are beneficial when viewers are in noisy environments, allowing them to follow the content without relying solely on audio.

  • Enhanced learning experience

Subtitles help in educational content by reinforcing key points and facilitating a multisensory learning experience, accommodating various learning styles and preferences. So knowing how to add captions on YouTube videos is a valuable skill.

How to add subtitles to a YouTube video automatically?

YouTube auto-generated subtitles are efficient when your video and speech are high-quality. Otherwise, YouTube encourages professionals to add captions or subtitles manually. Another consideration is that YouTube adds subtitles automatically only if the video language supports the listed language. Follow these steps to auto-generate and review subtitles.

  1. Navigate to YouTube Studio.
  2. Check if automatic captions are generated by clicking "Subtitles" in the left menu.
  3. Look for your video, and if "English (Automatic)" appears, click "Duplicate and Edit."
  4. Access the YouTube Caption Editor to review and edit subtitles for accuracy.
  5. Click "Edit Timings" to fine-tune timestamp adjustments if needed.

How to add subtitles on a YouTube video manually?

If you want to add subtitles or closed captions in YouTube video manually, follow these steps.

  1. Visit YouTube Studio and select "Subtitles" from the left menu.
  2. Choose the video you wish to add subtitles to.
  3. Click "Add Language" and choose the desired subtitle language. Then Click "Add."
  4. Now, YouTube provides two manual captioning methods:
  5. Upload File: If you have a transcript, you can upload it here.
  6. Type Manually: Although YouTube offers shortcuts, typing captions by hand may be time-consuming.
  7. Once done, click "Publish".

How to add subtitles on a YouTube video manually?

How to add captions to YouTube videos during the live stream?

  1. To get YouTube automatic captions during the live stream, follow these steps.
  2. Go to YouTube.
  3. Click "Create" in the top right, then select "Go live."
  4. Opt for "Stream" from the left-hand menu.
  5. Turn on closed captions within stream settings.
  6. Choose "Automatic captions" as the caption source.
  7. Select your video language (English only).

How to add captions to YouTube videos during the live stream?

One-stop solution to add subtitles or captions to videos: CapCut video editor

If you seek a versatile platform to edit your YouTube videos and generate captions, look no further than the CapCut video editor. Created for TikTok video editing, it has smoothly evolved for diverse social media platforms, offering a comprehensive suite of editing tools for your video enhancement needs.

Look at the key features of the CapCut video editor.

  • Auto-generate captions and add subtitles manually

When creating videos to explain a complex topic, it is necessary to add subtitles for better comprehension. In this case, you can get help from the CapCut video editor, which facilitates smooth captioning by offering an auto-generate feature and manual subtitle addition.

This ensures accurate subtitles, and for added convenience, the editor supports the upload of caption files in various formats (.srt, .ass, .irc).

  • Transcribe and translate the video with a click

With the CapCut video editor, you can easily translate and transcribe videos with a click. This feature is helpful for content creators aiming to reach global audiences. With support for over 20 languages, including Turkish, Arabic, and more, you can break language barriers and make your content accessible to diverse viewers.

The automatic transcription feature ensures accuracy, saving you time and effort in the content creation. Additionally, the platform allows users to manually edit the transcriptions for precision, giving you complete control over the translated content.

  • Share video directly to social media

If your role involves creating and managing social media content simultaneously, the CapCut video editor smooths your workflow. This platform lets you edit professional-quality videos and simplifies sharing by directly integrating with popular social media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.

This saves you time and effort, eliminating the need to open your account separately before uploading content.

  • Customizable text effects

Incorporating text with a distinctive style in your videos can significantly enhance audience engagement when promoting your real estate business on social media platforms. CapCut video editor provides a diverse library of customizable text effects and templates, letting users add a unique touch to their content.

From stylish text animations to adjustments in size and opacity, this feature enhances the visual appeal of your videos, ensuring they stand out and attract your audience.

  • Text-to-speech capability

CapCut video editor boasts a text-to-speech tool that transforms written text into spoken words. Users can choose from various languages like Spanish, English, Deutsch, and others, along with different voice tones such as chill girl, cute boy, adorable girl, energetic male, and more.

Recently, the platform introduced AI characters to represent the spoken content visually. This tool is handy when creating documentary-style videos or narrating facts, providing a dynamic element to your storytelling.

  • Collaboration and teamwork

CapCut video editor promotes collaboration among video creators from various locations through its cloud storage collaboration feature. As a team leader, you can oversee your team's work and provide real-time feedback, ensuring smooth coordination and efficient workflow.

This collaborative environment is beneficial for team members to enhance the quality of their video projects collectively.

  • Smart and AI-powered tools

When you capture a video with unwanted background noises that distract your audience from the main content, the CapCut video editor addresses this concern with its smart tools, automatically detecting and removing background noises. Additionally, the platform offers a free voice-changer feature to match the tone of your content.

CapCut provides an auto-background removal option for added visual appeal, letting you add and adjust attractive backgrounds smoothly. This pack of AI-powered tools ensures a polished and engaging final video.

How to add subtitles to videos with CapCut?

  1. Download and sign up
  2. Visit CapCut's official website and download the CapCut desktop video editor on your device. Sign in after installation, use your TikTok, Facebook or Google account. Then click on New Project, and you can edit your video now!
    Download and sign up
  4. Step
  5. Upload video
  6. Click "Create project" and select "Import" from the media tab. Upload the video from your device and drag and drop it into the timeline.
    Upload video
  8. Step
  9. Add subtitles or captions
  10. Now, to add subtitles and captions for YouTube or any other, hit the "Text" in the top left toolbar. Here, this video editor offers three methods.
  11. Auto-generate
  12. To automatically generate subtitles and captions, this video editor provides an automatic captions tool that recognizes speech in the video. Simply select the video's language, and within seconds, subtitles are generated. This feature supports 20+ languages.
  14. Add manually
  15. If your video's language isn't supported by auto-captions, you can add subtitles manually. Click on "Local captions" and start adding your captions. For added convenience, this platform allows you to upload a caption file (.srt, .ass, .irc) from your device if you've already written it.
    Local captions
  17. Auto lyrics
  18. When adding captions to a song, click "Auto lyrics," and its AI algorithm automatically recognizes the song's lyrics.
  19. This platform is not about just generating subtitles and captions; you can translate them into multiple languages to reach a diverse audience. You can customize the text style and size and position it where it looks attractive. Moreover, you can add transitions, filters, audio, and more to make your video of professional quality.
    Auto lyrics
  21. Step
  22. Export and share
  1. Once you are done with editing, click Export to customize the video or audio exporting settings. You can customize the resolution (480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, or 4K), quality (lower, recommended, higher and customized), frame rate (24fps, 25fps, 30fps, 50fps, and 60fps), and format (MP4 and MOV). Click the Export button to save the video. You can also run a copyright check before exporting the video.

Export settings

    Adjust the aspect ratio, choose a captivating video cover, set visibility preferences, and grant necessary permissions. Once done, simply click "Share" to seamlessly post your masterpiece directly to TikTok and YouTube from within the interface, without any hassle.

Export your video

Best practices for adding YouTube captions & subtitles

To enhance accessibility and engagement, it is crucial to add subtitles to YouTube videos, here are some best practices to ensure accuracy and readability.

  • Ensure that your captions accurately reflect the spoken content in your video. Correct captions can lead to clarity and communication.
  • How do you add subtitles to YouTube videos that can be easily read? Well, take time to edit your captions for readability. Break long sentences into shorter ones and ensure proper punctuation for a smooth reading experience.
  • If your video includes significant sound effects or music, consider adding cues in the captions to convey the auditory experience.
  • Follow YouTube's formatting guidelines for captions. This includes using the correct timecodes and ensuring that captions are appropriately synchronized with the video.
  • You might be asking yourself, “How can I add subtitles to a YouTube video to reach more audience. Well, here is the solution, provide captions in multiple languages if your audience is diverse. YouTube allows you to upload caption files in various languages.
  • After adding captions, review them thoroughly. Address any errors, misspellings, or timing issues. A well-reviewed caption track enhances the overall quality of your video.
  • Use relevant keywords in captions to improve search engine optimization (SEO). This can make your video more discoverable to a broader audience.
  • Choose a font, size, and color of the text that aligns with your branding and ensures visibility against different video backgrounds.
  • Before finalizing and publishing your video, preview it with captions enabled. This ensures captions appear correctly and enhance rather than detract from the viewing experience.


Now you know how to add subtitles to a video on YouTube. You can get manual and auto subtitles on YouTube, giving you flexibility. However, if you aim to customize the caption text style and edit videos professionally, the CapCut video editor emerges as an excellent choice.

It encompasses all the features necessary for a video editor to infuse uniqueness into their projects. Whether you're looking to generate subtitles or extract audio from a video, you'll discover a comprehensive set of efficient video editing tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I get subtitles on YouTube?
  2. The YouTube subtitle generator automatically generates subtitles for supported languages. However, consider using the CapCut video editor to manually add or edit subtitles for more control and accuracy.
  3. How do I embed a YouTube video with specific subtitles?
  4. While YouTube provides an embed code for videos, specific subtitle embedding is limited. CapCut video editor offers advanced subtitle customization, letting you embed videos with precise subtitles to enhance the viewer experience.
  5. How do I add subtitles to a YouTube video that isn't yours?

Unfortunately, you can't directly add subtitles to someone else's YouTube video. However, you can use the CapCut video editor to create your version of the content with customized subtitles before uploading it to your channel.

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