Use Motion Blur in After Effects in Simple and Effective Ways

Discover essential techniques and plugins to add dynamic motion blur in After Effects and enhance your footage. For an alternative, check out CapCut – a user-friendly tool that lets you add motion blur and more.

motion blur after effects
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Creating videos with realistic visual effects requires effort and skill, as viewers quickly notice any imperfections. That's why learning post-production techniques are essential for achieving natural-looking footage. One effective method is adding motion blur, which enhances realism and convinces the audience that the action is genuine.

With Adobe After Effects, incorporating motion blur becomes a straightforward task, allowing you to enhance your footage. In this article, we'll explore the best ways to add motion blur in After Effects to make your videos more appealing and professional.

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Overview of motion blur in After Effects

Understanding the basics of motion blur movement in After Effects is essential for any video editor. This feature replicates the natural blurring effect that occurs when objects move quickly, adding a realistic touch to your footage. Adobe After Effects provides various tools and settings that make applying and customizing motion blur efficient and effective.

Here are the key features of Adobe After Effect’s blur tool:

  • After Effects can automatically apply motion blur to layers with movement, making animations look smoother without manual adjustments.
  • Allows you to adjust the blur direction to match the motion of objects, giving a more realistic effect to fast-moving elements.
  • You can control the amount of blur by adjusting the shutter angle, which affects how much blur is applied and how it looks.
  • Motion blur can be enabled or adjusted for individual layers, providing precise control over which parts of your project have blur effects.
  • You can preview how motion blur affects your footage in real-time, allowing you to make quick adjustments for the best results.

Unique motion blur effect in After Effects

Discover how to create unique motion blur effects in After Effects with these powerful tools:

  • Timewarp effect
  • The timewarp effect adjusts the speed of your footage while adding motion blur. It allows for detailed control over how motion blur is applied without changing the actual speed of the video, making it ideal for slow-motion or fast-motion effects.
  • Pixel motion blur
  • The pixel motion blur of After Effects adds blur based on the movement of individual pixels between frames. It provides a realistic blur effect by analyzing motion across pixels, enhancing the overall fluidity of moving objects.
  • Force motion blur
  • The force motion blur of After Effects applies motion blur by simulating the blur created by fast-moving objects. It offers advanced settings to customize the amount and style of blur, allowing for a more tailored and dramatic effect.
  • Directional motion blur
  • The directional blur feature in After Effects adds blur in a specific direction, matching the movement of objects. This effect is useful for emphasizing the direction of motion, creating a more dynamic and visually interesting blur effect.
  • Radial motion blur

Radial motion blur creates a blur that radiates out from a central point, mimicking the effect of objects moving towards or away from the camera. This effect is ideal for adding a sense of speed or depth to your footage.

4 best ways to add motion blur in After Effects

There are several effective methods you can use to achieve stunning motion blur effects in After Effects. Each technique offers unique advantages depending on your project’s needs. In this section, we'll discuss how to add motion blur in After Effects to enhance your videos.

1. Enabling motion blur

Enabling motion blur in After Effects is one of the simplest ways to enhance the realism of your animations. This feature automatically adds a blur effect to moving objects, making them look smoother and more natural. It's a great starting point for improving the overall quality of your footage.

Here are the steps to enable motion blur in After Effects:

  1. Import your footage into After Effects.
  2. In your timeline, click on the layer to which you want to add motion blur.
  3. Click the motion blur icon (a small circle with a motion trail in After Effects) above the layer menu in the toolbar.
  4. Go to the composition toolbar and click "Enable Motion Blur" to apply the effect to your selected layer.
  5. Play your video to see the motion blur effect and make any necessary adjustments.
    Interface of enabling motion blur in After Effects

2. CC force motion blur effect

The CC force motion blur effect offers a more customizable approach to adding motion blur to your layers. Unlike the basic motion blur option, this effect allows you to fine-tune the blur for a more stylized and controlled result. It's perfect for achieving precise and dynamic motion effects in your videos.

Here are some steps to apply it:

  1. Click on the layer in your timeline that you want to apply motion blur to.
  2. Go to the Effects menu, choose "Time," and then select "CC Force Motion Blur."
  3. The "CC Force Motion Blur" dialog box will appear, giving you more control over the motion blur effect.
  4. Make sure to check the "Override Shutter Angle" box to ensure the effects you apply take precedence over the native shutter speed.
  5. Play your composition to see the effect and make any necessary adjustments.
    Interface of CC Force blur in After Effect

3. Applying the time warp effect

The Timewarp effect is a powerful tool for adding motion blur to your video without altering the layer's speed. Although, you can maintain your footage's original speed while achieving smooth, dynamic motion blur by adjusting the speed parameter, enabling motion blur, and fine-tuning with manual shutter controls.

To apply the time warp effect, follow these steps:

  1. Drag your footage into the timeline in After Effects.
  2. Go to the effects & presets panel, search for "Timewarp," and drag it onto your footage.
  3. Set the speed parameter in the timewarp settings to keep your footage at its original speed.
  4. Under the "Method" section, select a frame blending option—Whole Frame, Pixel Motion, or Frame Mix—to control how the motion blur is applied.
  5. Use the RAM preview to see how the timewarp effect looks on your footage. Go to motion blur settings in After Effects if needed to get the desired result.
    Interface of time wrap effect in After Effect blur

4. Third-party plugins

Third-party plugins offer additional features and effects that aren't available in After Effects by default. These plugins can enhance your projects with advanced motion blur options, custom effects, and specialized tools. They provide greater flexibility and creative control, helping you achieve unique and high-quality results.

To use third-party plugins for adding motion blur, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the third-party motion blur plugin After Effects according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Restart After Effects if needed to recognize the new plugin.
  2. Drag your footage into the timeline where you want to apply the motion blur effect.
  3. Go to the "Effects & Presets" panel, find your installed plugin, and drag it onto your footage.
  4. Open the plugin’s settings and adjust parameters to control the motion blur effect according to your needs. Look for options like blur amount, speed, and style.
  5. Preview the effect and make any necessary adjustments to get the desired look.
    Interface showing adding motion blur effect in After Effects using the plugin

5 efficient motion blur plugins for After Effects

Transitioning from your title to the content, let's explore some of the most efficient motion blur plugins available for After Effects.

  1. ReelSmart motion blur (RSMB)
  2. RSMB provides high-quality motion blur by analyzing the movement in each frame. It is known for its speed and accuracy, making it ideal for fast-moving footage. It helps add natural blur without affecting the overall quality of your video.
  3. BCC motion blur (Boris Continuum Complete)
  4. It offers a range of customizable motion blur settings in After Effects to enhance your footage. It integrates with other Boris Continuum effects, providing a comprehensive solution for complex visual effects. Its flexibility allows for detailed control over the motion blur applied.
  5. Twixtor
  6. Twixtor is renowned for its ability to create smooth slow-motion effects with high-quality motion blur. It excels at interpolating frames to produce realistic motion blur even in slow-motion sequences. This plugin is perfect for achieving detailed and dynamic visual effects.
  7. Sapphire motion blur (S_MotionBlur)
  8. Sapphire’s motion blur plugin delivers a natural and refined blur effect, enhancing the movement in your footage. It provides various options for adjusting the blur amount and direction, offering precise control over the look of your motion blur.
  9. AE pixel motion blur

Pixel motion blur in After Effects is a built-in After Effects plugin that adds motion blur based on the movement of pixels between frames. It offers an easy way to simulate realistic motion blur without the need for additional plugins.

Enhance creativity with customized motion blur: CapCut desktop

The CapCut desktop video editor boasts advanced editing tools, including the capability to add motion blur to your videos. This versatile feature allows for precise adjustments to motion blur settings, enabling the creation of smooth, dynamic visuals according to your specific needs. Moreover, CapCut's intuitive interface empowers you to enhance your footage with professional-quality audio and video editing tools.

Editing interface of the CapCut desktop video editor - a perfect tool for motion blur

Key features

  • Adjustable motion blur speed
  • This feature lets you control how fast or slow the blur effect appears in your video. You can fine-tune the speed to match the motion of your footage, ensuring a smooth and natural look.
  • Flexible blur direction settings
  • Customize the direction of the motion blur to match the movement of objects in your video. This flexibility helps create more realistic and engaging effects by aligning the blur with the action or motion tracking.
  • Preset motion blur options
  • Choose from a range of preset motion blur styles to quickly apply effects that suit your project. These presets offer a starting point for your adjustments and save time when creating professional-looking blur.
  • Motion blur animation with keyframes
  • Use keyframes to animate motion blur over time, adding dynamic changes to your effect. This allows you to control how the blur evolves throughout your video, enhancing movement and visual interest.
  • Enhanced video personalization

Beyond motion blur, CapCut offers a variety of filters, effects, transitions, a video stabilization tool, and more to enhance your content. These tools let you adjust your visuals to achieve the perfect look and feel for your project.

How to add motion blur to videos with CapCut

First, click the button below to download CapCut if it's not already on your device. Follow the setup instructions to install it, and you'll be ready to start using the software.

  1. Import the video
  2. Open CapCut and click the "Import" button to upload your video. Choose the file you want to edit.
    Importing a video to the CapCut desktop video editor
  4. Step
  5. Add and edit motion blur to the video
  6. Drag your video onto the timeline to begin editing. Next, navigate to the "Effects" menu and choose "Motion blur" from the available options. Fine-tune the horizontal and strength settings to customize the motion blur effect until you achieve the desired appearance for your video. You can also add keyframes to adjust the blur effects in specific parts of the video.
  7. Additionally, you can add motion blur from the right editing tool panel. Look for the "Motion blur" tool in the "Basic" tab under video. Enable it and adjust settings such as blur, blend, direction, and speed. CapCut will take a few seconds to add motion blur to your video.
    Adding and customizing motion blur in the CapCut desktop video editor
  9. Step
  10. Export and share

When you’re satisfied with your edits, click the "Export" button, adjust the settings, and save your video. You can also use the "Share" option to upload your video directly to social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

Exporting a video from the CapCut desktop video editor


Now that you know how to add motion blur in After Effects, it's clear that this powerful tool offers multiple ways to enhance your videos. Whether applying time warp effects or enabling third-party plugins, these steps will help you fine-tune your video.

However, while After Effects provides various methods for adding motion blur, many users find CapCut to be the best option. CapCut's intuitive interface and robust features make it easy to achieve high-quality results effortlessly.


  1. Is there any free feature of motion blur in After Effects?
  2. Yes, After Effects offers a free built-in motion blur feature that adds realistic blur effects to your footage. Another excellent tool is the CapCut desktop video editor, which also offers free motion blur features. It provides easy-to-use motion blur customization options for a more straightforward and efficient editing experience.
  3. How does the motion blur effect in After Effects help with video editing?
  4. The After Effects blur effect adds realism to motion and makes fast movements look smooth. For more advanced and user-friendly options, the CapCut desktop video editor is an excellent alternative. It provides motion blur features that enhance your editing experience with ease.
  5. How can blur a moving object in a video with After Effects?
  6. To blur a moving object in After Effects, apply the "Directional Blur" effect to create movement blur. Use "Masking" to isolate the object and adjust the blur intensity for a realistic effect. For a simpler process with more customization, the CapCut desktop video editor offers an intuitive way to add and adjust motion blur.
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