How to Remove Vocals from a Song in Audacity Like a Pro

Learn how to remove vocals from a song in Audacity. Effortlessly create clean instrumental tracks and elevate your music projects. For advanced editing and seamless integration, try CapCut to isolate vocals and easily perfect your audio.

how to remove vocals from a song audacity
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The presence of vocals can obscure instrumental elements and interfere with the clarity of audio tracks, making it difficult to isolate specific audio components. Removing vocals has become valuable for creating instrumental versions of your favorite songs.

Audacity, a versatile and widely used audio editing software, offers several effective techniques to achieve this goal. Whether you are a musician, DJ, or audio enthusiast, knowing how to remove the voice from a song in Audacity can be highly beneficial. However, this article explains this process in detail.

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Can Audacity remove vocals from a song

Yes, Audacity has built-in features to remove vocals from a song, though the effectiveness may vary depending on the track. The process typically involves using the "Vocal Reduction and Isolation" effect, which attempts to isolate and minimize the vocal frequencies.

This is done by exploiting the fact that vocals are often centered in the stereo mix while instruments are panned to the sides. However, the results are only sometimes perfect, as the technique can affect the remaining audio's quality. Moreover, the success of vocal removal largely depends on the original recording and its mix.

Vocal removing capabilities of Audacity

Audacity offers several methods to remove or reduce vocals from audio tracks, each with its own set of features and limitations. Here are some key techniques:

  • Vocal reduction and isolation effect
  • Audacity's built-in "Vocal Reduction and Isolation" effect helps to lower or remove vocals by targeting frequencies where vocals are usually present. Its user-friendly interface offers presets for quick adjustments. This method can effectively reduce vocals, but results may vary based on the track.
  • Inversion method
  • The inversion method involves splitting the stereo track, inverting one channel, and combining them. This can cancel out centered vocals while retaining the instruments. It’s a simple yet effective technique, though it may not work perfectly on all tracks.
  • Equalization method
  • Equalization adjusts the balance of frequencies to minimize vocals. Reducing the mid-range frequencies where vocals typically reside can help diminish vocal presence. It requires fine-tuning and might affect the quality of the instrumental parts.
  • Spectral editing
  • Spectral editing visually isolates and removes vocal frequencies from the audio spectrum. This precise method allows targeted removal of vocals while preserving other elements. It’s detailed and time-consuming but offers high control over the editing process.
  • High-pass and low-pass filtering
  • Using high-pass and low-pass filters can help reduce vocals by cutting off frequencies outside a particular range. It is beneficial for tracks with distinct vocals in a specific frequency band. However, it might also remove some instrumental sounds.
  • Third-party plug-ins
  • Third-party plug-ins can enhance Audacity’s vocal removal capabilities. Tools like iZotope RX or Spleeter offer advanced algorithms for cleaner vocal isolation. These plug-ins often provide better results but may require additional software and expertise.

Top 3 ways to remove audio vocals in Audacity

Removing vocals from audio tracks is a common task for creating karaoke versions or instrumental backgrounds. In Audacity, a popular free audio editing software, there are several effective techniques to achieve this. Below, we have discussed multiple methods on how to remove vocals from a song in Audacity.

1. Vocal reduction tool

Audacity’s Vocal Reduction and Isolation tool is a built-in feature to lower or eliminate vocals. Targeting specific frequencies can effectively reduce vocal presence in a track. It’s user-friendly and offers presets for easy adjustments, though the results can vary depending on the song. However, it may affect other audio elements within the same frequency range.

How to remove voice in Audacity with a vocal reduction tool

Here's how to remove vocals from a song using Audacity using the vocal reduction tool.

  1. Open your audio file in Audacity by clicking "File" > "Open" and selecting the file.
  2. Step
  3. Highlight the portion of the track where you want to reduce vocals or select the entire track by pressing "Ctrl+A."
  4. Step
  5. Go to "Effect" > "Vocal Reduction and Isolation."
  6. Step
  7. In the dialogue box, choose the "Remove Vocals" option from the drop-down menu.
  8. Step
  9. Adjust the strength and other settings, then click "OK" to apply the effect.
    Interface showing how to isolate vocals in Audacity using vocal reduction tool

2. Splitting Stereo to Mono

Separating a stereo track into two mono tracks in Audacity enables targeted editing of each channel. By inverting one mono channel and recombining it with the other, vocals can be canceled if they are equally distributed between the left and right channels. It’s a simple, effective technique, but it might not work perfectly for all tracks.

How do I remove vocals in Audacity by splitting the audio channels

Here are some steps that showcase how to extract vocals from a song Audacity:

  1. Open Audacity, click "File", and select the desired audio file.
  2. Step
  3. Press the drop-down arrow on the track's title and select "Split Stereo Track."
  4. Step
  5. Click on one of the channels to highlight it, then go to "Effect" > "Invert."
  6. Step
  7. Change each channel from "Stereo" to "Mono" by clicking the track title and selecting "Mono."
  8. Step
  9. Play the track to check the vocal removal and export the edited audio if satisfied.
    Interface showing how to extract vocals from a song in Audacity by splitting the audio channels

3. AI plugin

AI-powered plugins, such as iZotope RX or Spleeter, can significantly enhance vocal removal. These advanced tools use sophisticated algorithms to isolate and remove vocals more precisely. They often provide better results than traditional methods, though they may require additional software and expertise. AI plugins are ideal for those who need high-quality vocal isolation with minimal manual adjustments.

How to extract vocals in Audacity with AI plugins

Utilizing AI plugins is a modern approach for how to remove vocals from a song Audacity by employing advanced algorithms to separate vocal components from the audio.

  1. Open the Audacity, click the "File" at the top right, and upload the audio file.
  2. Step
  3. Install an AI plugin such as iZotope RX or Spleeter, following the plugin’s installation instructions.
  4. Step
  5. Open the plugin within Audacity by going to "Effect" > "Plug-in Manager" and selecting the installed AI plugin.
  6. Step
  7. Use the plugin's interface to choose the vocal extraction or removal option, adjusting settings as necessary.
  8. Step
  9. Apply the plugin's effect and listen to the track to ensure the vocals are extracted correctly, then export the file.
    Interface showing how to remove voice in Audacity using AI Plugins

The best alternative to Audacity for removing vocals: CapCut

Developed by ByteDance, the CapCut desktop video editor combines a user-friendly interface with powerful audio and video editing tools. It includes advanced features for precise vocal removal, making it ideal for creating high-quality karaoke tracks or instrumental versions. Besides this, you can remove background noise, normalize loudness, enhance audio, and more.

Editing interface of the CapCut desktop video editor - a perfect tool to remove vocals from a song

How to extract vocals from music on PC with CapCut

To extract vocals from music using the CapCut desktop video editor, download and install CapCut by clicking the button below. After installing, follow these steps:

  1. Upload the audio file
  2. Once CapCut is installed, open the program and start a new project. Click "Import" or drag and drop your audio file into the project panel. Select the audio file and then add it to the timeline by dragging it from the library to the audio track to make changes. This prepares your audio for vocal extraction.
    Importing an audio file to the CapCut desktop video editor
  4. Step
  5. Remove and customize the vocals
  6. With the audio file on the timeline, navigate to the "Audio" menu and look for the "Separate audio" feature. This tool features an advanced AI to separate elements such as vocals, instruments, drums, guitar, etc., from the track. After this, adjust the settings to customize the level of vocal extraction. Listen to the preview to ensure the vocals are adequately removed.
    Separating the vocals from audio in the CapCut desktop video editor
  8. Step
  9. Export audio

After removing the vocals, you can export the edited audio file. Click "Export" at the top right, choose your desired file format, and click "Export" again to save the file to your computer.

Exporting an audio file from the CapCut desktop video editor

Tips and tricks to remove vocals in Audacity

Here are some practical tips and tricks for effectively removing vocals from your tracks using Audacity:

  1. Use automation
  2. Automate volume changes to manually lower the vocal parts in specific sections of the track. This method allows you to target more prominent vocals in certain areas without affecting the entire track. It's a meticulous process but can be highly effective for tracks with variable vocal intensity.
  3. Adjust the stereo channels
  4. Modify the stereo channels by isolating and editing them separately. Adjust the balance and phase of each channel to reduce vocal intensity. This approach can help you achieve a more customized vocal removal based on the specific characteristics of the audio.
  5. Normalize the track
  6. Normalize the audio track before applying vocal removal techniques. Normalization adjusts the overall volume, making applying effects easier and achieving consistent results. This step ensures that all parts of the track are at a similar volume level, which can enhance the effectiveness of subsequent editing.
  7. Save different versions
  8. Save multiple versions of your project at various stages of vocal removal. This allows you to experiment with different techniques and revert to previous versions if needed. Keeping backups ensures you don’t lose your progress and can compare the effectiveness of other methods.
  9. Apply multiple effects sequentially

Combine several effects and techniques in sequence for better results. Start with vocal reduction, apply equalization, and use a noise gate. This layered approach can provide a more thorough vocal removal, addressing different aspects of the vocal track step-by-step.

For those seeking the best alternative to remove vocals using Audacity, CapCut is an excellent choice. If you want to know more about CapCut, please read on.


So now you are well up on how to remove vocals from a song in Audacity using various methods, including vocal reduction and isolation tools, splitting stereo channels, and utilizing AI plugins. Each technique is unique and is suitable for different types of audio tracks and user expertise levels.

Moreover, the CapCut desktop video editor is an excellent alternative for those looking for comprehensive video editing. Its intuitive interface, combined with powerful features like AI-driven vocal removal, makes it a compelling choice for users.


  1. How to isolate vocals in Audacity quickly?
  2. To isolate vocals in Audacity quickly, use the "Vocal Reduction and Isolation" effect found under the "Effect" menu. Select your track, apply the effect, and adjust the settings to isolate the vocal frequencies. This process is straightforward and doesn’t require advanced audio editing knowledge. For more advanced isolation and additional editing features, consider using the CapCut desktop video editor for a comprehensive solution.
  3. Is Audacity's vocal removal feature free to use?
  4. Yes, Audacity's vocal removal feature is entirely free to use. This makes it accessible for those who need basic vocal removal capabilities. However, for a more user-friendly experience and enhanced features, the CapCut desktop video editor is a great alternative.
  5. How to clean up my voice with Audacity?
  6. To clean up your voice in Audacity, use the "Noise Reduction" effect to remove background noise. Next, apply "Equalization" to adjust the frequency response and make your voice sound clearer. You can also use the "Compressor" effect to even out the volume levels. For a more refined and professional touch, the CapCut desktop video editor offers advanced audio editing tools that can reduce noise and further enhance the process.
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