A Complete Guide for Holding LinkedIn AD Specs in 2024
Understand the recommended LinkedIn ad specs to create winning campaigns and get seen by the target audience. Learn important elements for high-converting advertisements!
*No credit card required

LinkedIn ad specs are a comprehensive set of guidelines and requirements that you need to follow while creating high-performing advertisement campaigns on the platform. Understanding the nuances of these ad formats is crucial for maximizing your campaign's effectiveness. From sponsored content to dynamic ads, you need to make sure your ads stand out and engage with your target audience.
In this article, we'll discuss the recommended specifications for various LinkedIn ad formats. We'll also introduce how you can create the correct LinkedIn image dimensions for your ads with an online tool and what elements should be included in the advertisements for maximum appeal.
What are LinkedIn ad specs
LinkedIn ad specifications define the technical requirements for images used in sponsored ads to be visually appealing and resonate with the target audience. By adhering to them, ads maintain a uniform appearance across different devices and platforms and ensure that they are optimized for performance, maximizing engagement and click-through rates.
- Image Size: Specifies the dimensions of images to be used in ads, ensuring they fit appropriately within the designated LinkedIn ad size.
- Aspect Ratio: Defines the proportional relationship between an ad's width and height, maintaining visual integrity.
- File Type: Specifies the acceptable formats for images to ensure compatibility with LinkedIn's platform.
- File Size: Limits the size of media files to optimize loading times and prevent performance issues. Examples in the case of LinkedIn are JPEG, JPG, PNG, and GIF.
CapCut Online: the best resizer for LinkedIn ad images
CapCut Online is a versatile image editor with a user-friendly interface and advanced yet simple features that allow you to easily resize and edit images according to the recommended LinkedIn ad specs without the need for any prior design skills.
The editor is completely free to use and offers 5GB of free cloud collaboration platform where you can quickly invite others to your workspace and share your LinkedIn ads for editing or review process.
On top of that, this creative suite has several AI capabilities that help you make a transparent background for images in your LinkedIn ad with the "Remove Background" tool, sharpen it using the "Image Upscaler" tool or "Low Light Image Enhancer," and convert it into various styles. You can even create related pictures for your ad using the "Image Generator" feature or utilize the "Text to Design" tool to instantly create visuals for marketing purposes on LinkedIn.
How to create LinkedIn ad image dimensions in 3 steps
CapCut Online makes it easy for you to create the correct dimensions for your LinkedIn ad size in just three simple steps.
- Step
- Sign up
- Click the above link to open the CapCut Online "Sign Up" page and use your Google, TikTok, or Facebook credentials to create a free account. You can also click "Continue With CapCut Mobile" and then scan the QR code using the app to link your existing account with the online editor.
- Next, choose "Image" in your workspace and click "New Image" to open a new canvas. Then, enter the LinkedIn ad dimensions, i.e., 1200px width by 627px height, in the given field under "Custom Size" and click "Create."
- Go to the "Upload" section, hover over Upload, and select the location from where you want to upload an image for your LinkedIn ad, such as PC, Dropbox, MySpace, or Google Drive. Additionally, you can drag your pictures from your computer interface and drop them into the editor or click "From Phone" to import them from your mobile device with a QR code scan.
- Step
- Customize your ad
- Now, head to the "Templates" section in the left menu, search for a preset that resonates with the theme of your LinkedIn ad, and add it to the canvas.
- You can also click "Background" and select any desired color to change the backdrop of the ad preset or a photo frame as a circle cropper to get a circular image for the ad.
- Select "Text" from the left menu, choose the style from the recommended fonts, and add it to the canvas. Click the text box to add your text to the image on the LinkedIn ad, and then click "Basic" to change the size, alignment, spacing, background, color, curve, and stroke.
- Step
- Export
When all is done, click "Export" in the upper right corner of the CapCut interface, select the file size, format, and quality, and choose "Download" to save the LinkedIn add to your PC's storage.
You can now sign in to your LinkedIn account and create an advertising campaign for your product or services.
Main features highly related to making LinkedIn ad images at CapCut Online
CapCut Online, a powerful photo editor, has powerful "Resize" and "Crop" tools and a "Templates" library that effectively designs engaging LinkedIn ad images to quickly grab the attention of your viewers.
- Resize and crop
- With the "Resize" feature in CapCut Online, you can instantly resize any layout for the desired LinkedIn advert, such as image or carousel ads. Simply select the canvas, click "Resize" in the right menu, add the width and height for the desired advertising size under the "Custom Size" section, and click "Resize" or "Resize on New Page." Make sure to toggle on "Auto Layout" so the elements in the preset automatically get adjusted to the new canvas for different LinkedIn ad image sizes.
If you want to remove extraneous details from your LinkedIn ad, the free Image Cropper feature is there for your rescue. This advanced tool lets you choose from various pre-set crop sizes or manually define your own custom crop area for precise framing.
- Templates
- The "Templates" tab in CapCut Online has a treasure trove of presets that you can use to get inspiration or a starting point for your LinkedIn ad without the need to design from scratch. Here, you can find templates for different ad objectives, like brand awareness, lead generation, or job hiring, using the "Search by Keyword," "Search by Image," or "Filters" options. You can also apply the theme of one preset to another with just a single click.
Not only that, but you can also further customize these templates to add your own images, text, stickers, shapes, and photo frame designs to give the ad a more personalized look.
What should be included in a LinkedIn ad
Apart from the accurate LinkedIn ads image dimensions, a successful sponsored ad should feature effective elements that drive user engagement and achieve your advertising goals on the platform.
- Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)
- Incorporate a clear call-to-action button that prompts users to click and engage with your ad. Use persuasive language to encourage users to take the desired action, such as "Learn More," "Sign Up," or "Shop Now."
- Attention-grabbing and concise headline
- Craft a succinct headline that quickly communicates the value proposition or key message.
- Compelling ad copy
- Provide a brief yet compelling description that encourages users to take action or learn more. Use consistent brand colors to maintain brand consistency and visual coherence. Use high-quality graphics or illustrations that grab attention and convey the message effectively. Including a logo to reinforce brand identity and increase recognition can also be a defining factor in your ad.
- Target audience
- Target users based on their industry, ensuring your ads reach professionals in relevant sectors. Specify job titles or functions to reach individuals with specific roles or responsibilities. Tailor your audience based on the size of companies they work for, whether small businesses, mid-sized companies, or large enterprises. Define the geographic regions where you want your ads to appear, whether targeting a local, national, or international audience.
Various LinkedIn advertising specs
LinkedIn offers a variety of advertising formats, each with specific specifications tailored to optimize engagement and visibility. Let's discuss them briefly:
Image ads
The LinkedIn image ad size with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 should be 1200 x 627 pixels. The supported file types for such advertisements are JPEG, PNG, and GIF, and the maximum upload size is 5MB.
Carousel ads
According to LinkedIn carousel ad specs, the appropriate image size is 1080 x 1080 pixels with an aspect ratio of 1:1. It should be in JPEG, PNG, or GIF, and the maximum size per image upload is 10MB. The number of cards is 2-10, which means you can showcase up to 10 images on a carousel ad.
Text ads
The recommended image size for text ads on LinkedIn is 100 x 100px with PNG or JPG file type. You can choose a heading up to 25 characters, write a description under 75 characters, and upload with a maximum of 2MB file size.
Dynamic ads
Similar to text ads, the ideal image size for dynamic ads is 100 x 100 pixels, and the supported file format is either PNG or JPEG. Furthermore, you must use a picture that does not exceed 2MB in upload size.
Job ads
The correct LinkedIn single image ad specs for job advertising are 600 x 200 pixels. You can usually include a company name, logo, headline, and CTA in it.
Follower ads
The recommended LinkedIn ad specs for follower image ads are 300px width by 250 px height, with a maximum of 2MB file size, and should be in JPEG/JPG or PNG format.
Spotlight ads
The image size for a LinkedIn spotlight ad should be 300px wide by 250px tall. You need to use a PNG, JPG, or JPEG picture for the ad with a maximum upload size of 2 MB.
In this article, we've introduced the main function of LinkedIn ad specs, along with its various types, to give you a detailed overview.
We also introduced CapCut Online, which has proven itself to be the best choice for getting accurate LinkedIn dimensions for your ads with its "Resize" and "Crop" tools and templates library.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for CapCut Online now to take your LinkedIn ads to the next level and boost your brand awareness, generate leads, and achieve your marketing goals.
- What are LinkedIn advertising specs?
- LinkedIn Ads is a sponsored marketing tool that individuals and companies use to promote their services and products, generate leads, share content, or hire new talents. There are several types of LinkedIn ads, such as image, text, carousel, job, followers, and spotlight. Each type has its own specifications when it comes to image size and format. For instance, the recommended dimensions for carousel advertising are 1080 x 1080 pixels, while those for dynamic ads are 100 x 100 pixels.
- How to create the LinkedIn ads image dimensions?
- To create the LinkedIn ads image dimension, simply upload your visuals to CapCut Online and enter 1200px width by 627px height in the given field under the "Custom Size" section. Now, head to "Templates," search for a suitable preset for the advert, and add it to your canvas. Then, click the image in the templates, select the "Replace" icon, and replace it with the one you uploaded earlier. Click "Text" and choose a font style for the headline, CTA, and description of the ad.
- What's LinkedIn single image ad specs?
- Single Image ads on LinkedIn paid content that includes one static picture and appears directly in the LinkedIn feeds, among other organic content. The recommended size for this type of advertising is 1200 x 627 pixels (aspect ratio of 1.91:1) for vertical images and 1200 x 1200px (aspect ratio of 1:1) for ads in square format. The pictures must be in PNG or JPEG file format with a maximum size of 5MB for uploading to the platform.
*No credit card required