Guide to Setting TikTok Aspect Ratio in Premiere Pro

Struggling with TikTok aspect ratios in Premiere Pro? Our guide walks you through adjusting and optimizing your video format for the perfect TikTok upload.

tiktok aspect ratio premiere pro
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When creating TikTok videos using Adobe Premiere Pro, adjusting the aspect ratio is crucial to ensure your content fits perfectly on the platform. Understanding the correct aspect ratio ensures your content is visually appealing and professional. To get started, you'll need Adobe Premiere Pro settings for TikTok and basic video editing knowledge.

This guide will show you how to set the TikTok aspect ratio in Premiere Pro, a vital step for optimizing your videos for better viewer engagement. Follow along to easily adapt your videos to the preferred dimensions for TikTok, ensuring your content stands out and reaches a wider audience effectively.

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Importance of aspect ratio for TikTok videos

The aspect ratio is crucial for TikTok videos because it directly affects how content appears on the platform. TikTok primarily uses a 9:16 aspect ratio, which is a vertical format optimized for mobile viewing. Ensuring your videos adhere to this aspect ratio makes them more visually appealing and professional.

A correctly set aspect ratio ensures that your content fills the screen without black bars or cropping issues, enhancing the viewer's experience. Videos that fit the screen are more likely to engage viewers, leading to higher interaction rates such as likes, comments, and shares.

Using the correct aspect ratio also ensures that important elements of your video, such as text and key visuals, are correctly placed. By paying close attention to the little things, your content will stand out in a busy stream and have a higher chance of being seen and valued.

Adjust TikTok aspect ratio in Premiere Pro

Adjusting the TikTok aspect ratio in Premiere Pro is crucial for creating content that fits perfectly on the platform. TikTok's vertical format, typically 1080x1920 pixels or 9:16 in aspect ratio, requires specific settings to ensure videos are displayed correctly.

Using Premiere Pro, you can set these dimensions precisely, making sure your content fills the screen without black bars or cropping issues. The proper Adobe Premiere setting ensures for TikTok that key elements of your video are visible and engaging.

How to adjust TikTok aspect ratio in Premiere Pro

To ensure your TikTok videos look their best on the platform, follow these steps to adjust the Adobe Premiere Pro settings for TikTok videos.

  1. Create a new project
  2. To start adjusting the TikTok aspect ratio in Adobe Premiere Pro, open the software and create a new project. From the top menu, select "File," then "New," and finally "Sequence." This step initiates a new sequence in which you will set the parameters to match TikTok's vertical format.
    Creating a new project in the premiere pro
  4. Step
  5. Choose the correct aspect ratio
  6. In the "New Sequence" dialogue box, you need to set the correct aspect ratio for TikTok. Look for the "Frame Size" settings within the dialogue box. Here, adjust the measurements to 1080 x 1920 pixels or a 9:16 aspect ratio. This format is specifically designed for vertical video content, ensuring your video fits perfectly on TikTok's platform.
    Adjusting the sequence and aspect ratio in premiere pro
  8. Step
  9. Set other video settings
  10. After setting the aspect ratio, adjust other video settings to optimize your content for TikTok. First, configure the frame rate to either 30 or 60 frames per second (fps). TikTok supports both frame rates, but 30 fps is generally sufficient for most videos and easier to work with.
  11. Next, set the codec and bitrate settings. TikTok commonly uses the H.264 codec. Adjust the bitrate settings to ensure good video quality while keeping the file size manageable. TikTok recommends a bitrate of 2.5 Mbps for standard quality and up to 5 Mbps for higher quality.
    Adjusting the other TikTok video setting in Premiere Pro
  13. Step
  14. Save your sequence

Once all TikTok sequence settings in Premiere Pro are configured, name your sequence appropriately for easy identification in future projects. Click "OK" to save the sequence.

Best TikTok export setting in Premier Pro

Using the proper Premiere Pro for TikTok video export settings is essential to ensure the greatest possible quality for your TikTok movies. Proper configuration will enhance the visual and audio quality of your videos, optimizing them for the platform's requirements. Here's a comprehensive guide to the best TikTok export settings with Premiere Pro:

  • Aspect ratio settings for TikTok
  • Set your video's aspect ratio to 9:16 for optimal vertical display on TikTok. This vertical format guarantees that your information fills the screen without cropping or black bars, making it perfect for mobile reading.
  • Resolution requirements
  • Use a resolution of 1080×1920 pixels. This high-definition setting guarantees crisp and clear visuals, which are essential for maintaining a professional appearance and engaging viewers effectively on TikTok.
  • Frame rate recommendations
  • For smooth playing, choose between 30 and 60 frames per second (fps). A frame rate of 30 fps is a good compromise between video clarity and size for most TikTok videos. However, if you're aiming for a higher level of smoothness and have more complex content, 60 fps can be used.
  • Bitrate guidelines
  • Aim for a bitrate range of 6-10 Mbps. This bitrate range provides a good balance between video quality and file size. Better video quality will come from a greater bitrate, but the file size will also grow as a result. For TikTok, 6-10 Mbps is ideal for achieving a clear picture while keeping the file manageable.
  • Choosing the right video codec
  • Use the H.264 codec for efficient compression and quality. H.264 is a great format for TikTok's platform because it is widely accepted and offers a decent balance between file size and quality. It ensures your video maintains high quality while remaining compressed for quicker uploads.
  • Audio settings for TikTok
  • Set your audio to stereo sound with a 44.1 kHz sample rate and a 128 kbps bitrate. This configuration ensures that your audio is clear and high quality, which is important for engaging viewers and maintaining professional sound quality.
  • Using export presets
  • Select the TikTok preset available in Adobe Premiere Pro for automatic configuration. This preset adjusts all necessary settings to match TikTok's requirements, streamlining the export process and ensuring your video is optimized for the platform.
  • Quality control tips

Before finalizing your export, apply color correction and audio enhancements as needed. Proper color correction will ensure that your video looks vibrant and true to life, while audio enhancements will improve clarity and balance. These final adjustments can significantly enhance the overall quality of your video, making it more appealing to viewers.

Another option: Optimise TikTok aspect ratio with CapCut

Here is another option for adjusting your TikTok videos: CapCut desktop video editor. CapCut is an adaptable and simple-to-use video editing tool that makes it easier for both novice and seasoned producers to edit videos. It offers various features such as customizable aspect ratios, advanced AI tools for automatic reframes, and straightforward export options. With CapCut desktop video editor, you can easily adapt your videos to TikTok's vertical format and enhance them with high-quality edits and effects.

CapCut desktop video editor provides various aspect ratio options for videos

How to adjust TikTok aspect ratio in CapCut

To start creating stunning TikTok videos with ease, download the CapCut desktop video editor today and take advantage of its powerful editing features!

Follow these to effectively prepare your TikTok videos with the correct aspect ratio;

  1. Add your video
  2. To begin a new project, open CapCut and click the "Create project" icon. Import your video and then drag it into the timeline area.
    Importing the video to the CapCut desktop video editor
  4. Step
  5. Adjust aspect ratio
  6. With your video in the timeline, click on the "Ratio" button located below the preview video option. A menu will appear where you'll see various aspect ratios; you can select the 9:16 aspect ratio, which is optimized for TikTok's vertical format. This setting ensures your video will display correctly on TikTok.
    Adjusting the aspect ratio of the video in the CapCut desktop video editor
  8. Step
  9. Export and share your video

After adjusting the aspect ratio and applying any additional edits, click on the "Export" button in the top-right corner of the screen. Click on frame rate, resolution, bitrate, and format to save your video in various formats, including MP4, which is widely supported on TikTok. Alternatively, you can share your video straight to TikTok.

Adjusting the export setting and exporting it

Key features

  • Various aspect ratio options for versatility
  • CapCut offers a range of preset aspect ratios, including popular formats like 16:9 and 1:1, making it easy to format videos for different platforms. This feature ensures your video fits perfectly within the required dimensions.
  • Custom aspect ratio for precise control
  • Create and adjust custom aspect ratios to meet specific needs. Ideal for tailoring content to unique dimensions or unconventional screen sizes.
  • Resolution setting to ensure clarity
  • Adjust video resolution from 480p to 4k to maintain sharpness and clarity. This feature ensures your video remains crisp and professional on any screen.
  • Frame rate settings for smooth playback
  • Select from standard frame rates like 30 fps or 60 fps for fluid video playback. The frame rate setting enhances the viewing experience and keeps your content engaging.


Ensuring your TikTok videos fit perfectly on the platform involves setting the correct aspect ratio and using optimal export settings. Precise adjustments with detailed sequences and proper TikTok export settings in Premiere Pro ensure your videos look professional. This guide has given a step-by-step guide to adjusting the TikTok aspect ratio in Premiere Pro.

However, if you're looking for an easier and more intuitive option, the CapCut desktop video editor offers a user-friendly interface with customizable aspect ratios and straightforward export options. By using CapCut, you can quickly adapt your videos to TikTok's format and enhance them with additional editing features. Download it for a seamless video editing experience.


  1. How do I adjust TikTok dimensions in Premiere Pro for a perfect fit?
  2. To adjust TikTok video dimensions in Premiere Pro, create a new sequence and set the frame size to 1080×1920 pixels for a 9:16 aspect ratio. For a more streamlined approach, consider using the CapCut desktop video editor, which simplifies the process with its intuitive aspect ratio settings.
  3. How can I set the correct TikTok frame size in Premiere Pro?
  4. You can set the TikTok frame size in Premiere Pro by opening the "New Sequence" settings and entering 1080×1920 pixels for a 9:16 aspect ratio. If you prefer a more user-friendly solution, the CapCut desktop video editor offers easy adjustments with preset aspect ratios for TikTok.
  5. How can I determine the best TikTok size in Premiere Pro for my content?
  6. The best TikTok video size in Premiere Pro is 1080×1920 pixels, which aligns with TikTok's 9:16 vertical format. For a simpler approach to managing video sizes and aspect ratios, the CapCut desktop video editor provides automatic settings and adjustments suited for TikTok.
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