#lyrics #bff #bsf #funny #fy
2024-02-19, 821.7K uses, 170.3K likes, 1.78K comments.
don’t ask
Hey! Congrats on 62.8k! (Pin no pressure tho)
I just liked every comment on here
That one friend
So😴 i💎 SaW🦜 hIm🐼 TaLk👕 To🧚♀️ ThIs🔥 OtHeR💄 gIrL✨ tOdAy🥸 PuT🫣 iT😋 dOwN🫠 It🥰 WaS🥵 hIs😺 SiStEr😈
My intrusive thoughts
follow Me and Kool_kirky for a cookie✨🥰 : If u want the cookie look in ur local store:😘
It’s standard I can’t use it
us core fr
I wanna do this so bad but i dont have good photos 😭😭😭
Bro why is that me to my friend Ali😂😂
I'm the person on the left I take things too far
I’m the second one my bestie protects me😅
So true but that is me and Kaitlynn comment a heart if this you
Just say please she will let you do it 🥰
This is y u don’t cheat on u gf or she will turn real defensive and murder u 😳
me and my 2 chaotic personalities