2023-12-16, 5.32K uses, 14.84K likes, 610 comments.
I think Kurt is the only acception🙏
Your scarring me>>>👹👹 stop being ratchet >>>👹👺👹
Ppl who own orange cats >>>>>>>>
" StOp your scAring mE YoUR ScaRiNG MEH
this is me when someone tell me something and my odd takes over
“i said no”
Am i the only one who has an orange cat that always want to be petted😭
my friend has an orange cat💀
am I the only one who watched this 1 million times and still laugh each time 😅
my BFF has am orange kitten and he wild asf
How is she taking them bite I can’t even take them🙀
Bro every time I talk to my orange cat he side eyes me-
Fr tho I had a orange cat and he new how to open the door and turn on water
SiDE eYe 👁️👀
Bro, my cat doing the bombastic side-eye at me right now
Bro went full chad🤣🤣🤣
Stowp your scarring me😥🤚