#christmas #santa #funny
2023-11-05, 409 uses, 311 likes, 38 comments.
mOm🤓 LeAvE😍 mE👹 aLonE😍 I😶 wAnNa😖 bE🍓 fAmOuS😔 i🤑 WaNnA😍 bE😚 fAmOuS🤓
Since when was there snow in Africa
Me when the I secretly like the shitty music at PE and makes me feel like the main character:
me running aday for.my friends
me on my way to steal hillary clintons christmas presents after she takes my apple juice
Nobody noticed he went to Africa and it was snowing
What my 7yr old brother watches
Me when my mum said no social media apps or she takes away my phone:
Live footage of me running to my room after pissing my mum off😈
Good thing Santa’s not real 👍
Santa is coming for Africa
my teacher chasing me down the halls because I forgot to push in my chair:
when i get a f and my parents show up
haha i dont even celebrate Christmas and i showed my dad and instantly regretted it 🥺
My third percent of hd and I don't even know what that means👏👏💅💅🤑🤑
0.0000000003 seconds after Halloween