#bestsfriends #love #meme #fyp #viral
2023-07-21, 2.64K uses, 2.47K likes, 102 comments.
All my somethingsss🩷🤪—>
we don't have brains we are all somethings with a little bit of brawn
There's also ✨the depressed, pretends to be depressed and not depressed✨
I am brians 🧠
Cheese is sigma ngl tbh
Something. :D
There’s one more crucial role so there’s no third wheel: the bad boy🤓☝️💀
I’m the something in my group-
I’m the something, aka arsonist-
I am all of them
Nendou, Saiki, Kaido
barney norma and courtney
... That's all me:)
The something is “theif”
I'm the ✨SoMeThInG✨
The person that made fun of my name AUBRY
The ✨something✨ is the supporting wierd element to keep the balance 😘
Just a combination of all
Kevin bob and Stewart