America isn't the whole world #lgbtq #pansexualnarwhal
2024-12-20, 118 uses, 550 likes, 202 comments.
Do you believe in god
Be happy for the things you have
Lowkey you should be more concerned why there are any countries that allow it
It should be banned everywhere
Theoretically, why do we care about other countries-? Like, honestly? It’s not our responsibility.
It’s kinda sad that there’s a death penalty, like yeah i don’t support but this is really sad
I'm moving to canda if the president tries to take away my right I'm fr 🫤
that's why i'm saving my money to run away to ireland 🔥
hey Canda can I come with you ?
People have their own beliefes and need to stop trying to force things on eachother. If ur lgbtq+ ur
I scared af
I swear to god, there are so many bigots in this world, I wish they would all just vanish
why all yall hating? Just fuck off if you don't like it
whenever a christian is homophobic, I just tell them to name a country where it’s illegal to be-
I'm bout to move to the moon 😟
To be honest I used to think Britian had a stupid government but at least the had sense to allow
Guys, this is heartbreaking
i dont get it, its not a choice who u like! homophobia need to stop!! im rly scared for LQBT…
Death penalty is crazy sad :( the fruit loops can come live with me
Bc they look at the countries that allow it and say hell nah