Free Stock Images for Stunning Graphics

Take your content to the next level with our high-quality, royalty-free stock images. Our free stock images are curated to cater to all sorts of content needs. Explore CapCut’s library of high-resolution stock images for free.

*No credit card required

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Key features of free stock images

Unlimited, royalty-free, high-resolution stock images

CapCut offers free-to-use stock images to all its users on sign-up. Explore thousands of our stunning stock images that will make your images look incredible. All our stock assets are free to use without royalties, so you can rest assured that only you will be credited for your stunning work. Browse through our high-resolution stock images for free online.

Unlimited, royalty-free, high-resolution stock images

Specially curated for social media content creators

CapCut is loved by content creators worldwide for its smart features that are specifically designed to make content creation as easy as possible. Browse our library of royalty-free stock images by category or theme to find the perfect design for your post. There are templates for every use case, mood, and theme so you can find the stock image that’s perfect for you.

Stock images specially curated for social media content creators

Unleash the power of an all-in-one image editor

Not only does CapCut have stunning stock of free images, but also boast advanced and sophisticated editing tools that will make editing easier and more interactive. Explore the full potential of our AI-powered image editor online for free and create stunning content that will make your audience fall in love with your content. From effects, stickers, filters, animations, and more, you can find everything on our platform.


Reap the benefits of free stock images

Free & accessible

Free & accessible

CapCut offers all incredible stock images and editing tools, completely free and online. You don't have to download editing software on your desktop or phone to create incredible content. Visit our website today to find out more.

Multi-device support

Multi-device support

Not only is CapCut available online for free, but it’s also accessible on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices. Sign up today and begin your journey of dominating the social media space with our incredible editing tools.

Effects & filters

Effects & filters

CapCut’s stock images are incredible and ready to use for your content. But if you want to apply a more personalized touch to create unique content, use our free effects, filters, and other image editing tools to take your content to the next level.

Explore the usability of free stock images

Explore how CapCut’s free image stock assets can help your content creation.

Stock images for artistic designs

Artistic designs

Why spend hours coming up with designs for your social media posts when CapCut offers stunning design templates for free? Our stock images are designed by our ingenious artists so that you can create the most amazing content.

Avoid copyrights with free stock images for commercial use

Avoid copyrights

Using images from online sources can put content creators in trouble because of copyright infringement. CapCut offers free stock images for commercial use, which are copyrights-free, so you can create breathtaking content without any issues.

create stunning content with funny stock images

Stunning content

Free images in our stocks can offer you incredible inspiration to create stunning content. If you want a quick fix to your creative block, use one of our aesthetically pleasing free stock images to create wonderful content.

How to use stock images for graphics?

Step 1: Create a project

Log in CapCut to start a new project. You can also upload your existing image to replace its background or add another image from thousands of free images in our stock.

Step 2: Add a free stock image

Click the 'Template' section from the left-sided menu to use a prebuilt template for diverse use cases. Or click the 'Image' section to search for wonderfully curated stock images for free. Click on any image to add it to your design.

Step 3:Export & share

Edit your image further with our advanced tools, which allow you to touch up on saturation, add effects and filters, and do much more. Export or share online with your friends or audience for free without any watermark.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do stock images mean?

Stock images are captured or designed and available online for commercial use, either free or after paying a fee. CapCut offers thousands of business stock images for free to all its users.

Can I get free stock images for commercial use?

Whether you are looking for funny stock images or images that fit your commercial needs, like advertisements, campaigns, or flyers, CapCut offers thousands of free stock images for commercial use.

Which image editor is free to use for stock images?

CapCut is an all-in-one image editor that offers thousands of images in stock for free. Use any of our free stock images to take your content to the next level. Use our online editing tools to further enhance the quality of your content.

Where can I get stock images free online?

Looking for a stock image for free online? Look no further than the best online image editor in the market, CapCut. Browse endless streaks of your stock images online for free and find the one that meets your requirements.

How can I get stock images for free?

Getting stock images without paying hefty subscription fees or charges can be an obstacle while creating content. CapCut breaks barriers by offering royalty-free stock images so you can create your best content yet.

Inspire your creativity with free stock images