Automatically recognize the object of your video
With its sophisticated object detection capability, our amazing video background changer reimagines video editing. This fantastic tool, which seamlessly accommodates people, animals, and objects, revolutionizes the editing process. Use our video background changer to let your audience know about your expertise.
Change video background, be it video, image, or color
CapCut boasts an online video editor with an intelligent background changer that transforms videos smoothly and goes beyond basic editing by allowing users to switch background videos or photos. With this tool, you have more creative freedom because you can change the backdrop colors as well.
Mute background video in one click
CapCut's video background changer proves to be an invaluable tool, enhanced by its ability to quickly mute background video. With our package, an online video background changer that is free, users can easily modify the background of videos to realize their creative ambitions.