
360 ��_��

使用我們高品質、免版稅的庫存影像,將您的內容提升到一個新的水平。我們的免費庫存影像經過精心設計,可滿足各種內容需求。探索 CapCut 的免費高解析度庫存影片庫。


步驟 1:建立專案

登入 CapCut 開始一個新專案。您也可以上傳現有影像來取代專案的背景,或從我們庫存中的數千張免費影像中新增其他影像。

步驟 2:新增免費庫存影像

按一下左側選單中的 [範本] 部分,針對不同的使用案例使用預先製作的範本。或者,按一下 [影像] 部分來搜尋精心策劃的免費庫存影像,然後按一下任意影像,將其新增到您的設計。

步驟 3:匯出及分享

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt,  Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

A 360-degree view of the mongolian yurt, Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 360-degree panorama

360 panorama for winter city Novosibirsk

360 panorama for winter city Novosibirsk

360 degree of cityscape and skyline in Portland

360 degree of cityscape and skyline in Portland

360 panorama for winter city Novosibirsk

360 panorama for winter city Novosibirsk

Panorama 360 private house in the forest

Panorama 360 private house in the forest

360 degree concept with businessman pressing button

360 degree concept with businessman pressing button

360 degree concept with businesswoman pressing button

360 degree concept with businesswoman pressing button

Forest mountains photo, 360 degree panorama

Forest mountains photo, 360 degree panorama

360 degree concept with businesswoman pressing button

360 degree concept with businesswoman pressing button

360 degree concept with businessman pressing button

360 degree concept with businessman pressing button


CapCut 呈獻

CapCut是一個複雜的視訊編輯工具,為使用者提供了許多高階功能。其中包括從肖像視訊中刪除背景,並用上傳的影象替換它們或更改背景顏色的能力。CapCut還可以通過提高解析度來升級影象,通過人工智慧顏色校準影象顏色,以及通過人工智慧恢復舊照片或為黑白照片著色。 此外,CapCut提供了一個AI肖像生成器,可以生成各種風格的肖像,並且能夠調整視訊大小並改變其長寬比,同時為背景新增顏色、影象或模糊效果。該軟體還包括語音到文字功能,可以自動識別不同的語言並生成高精度字幕,以提高編輯效率。使用者還可以一鍵將任何文字轉換為聽起來自然的語音,支援11種聲音和10種語言。 最後,CapCut提供了對龐大視訊編輯素材庫的訪問,其中包括模板、音樂、貼紙、文字、效果和過濾器。有了這些資源,使用者可以建立吸引觀眾並脫穎而出的專業級視訊內容。